Feature Story

4th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention opens in Sydney

20 July 2007


The Australian Society for HIV Medicine and the International AIDS Society are hosting the 4th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention in Sydney, Australia from 22-25 July 2007.

Over 5000 delegates are expected to attend the conference which features the latest developments in HIV biology, pathogenesis, treatment and prevention science.

Held every two years, the conference is an opportunity for leading scientists, clinicians, public health experts and community leaders to examine the latest developments in HIV-related research, and to explore how scientific advances can inform the global response to AIDS.

This is the first IAS conference encompassing “Biomedical Prevention” in addition to Pathogenesis and Treatment, in line with the decision to include biomedical prevention made during the 2005 meeting in Rio de Janeiro.

The biomedical prevention track will focus on strategies for preventing HIV transmission that have a biomedical basis, such as vaccines, microbicides, chemoprophylaxis and substitution therapy for drug dependence.

Deputy Executive Director of Programmes at UNAIDS, Michel Sibide, will participate in events around treatment, sustainability in the era of universal access, the TB/HIV co-epidemic and men who have sex with men in Asia. Chief Scientific Adviser Dr Cate Hankins will be launching new guidelines on ethics and good practice in trials.


Visit the conference web site
Visit the International AIDS Society web site