Feature Story

UNAIDS Washington commemorates 20th Anniversary of World AIDS Day

01 December 2008

In commemoration of this year’s World AIDS Day the UNAIDS Office Washington, in partnership with UNAIDS partners, cosponsors and local civil society organizations, is holding a week-long World AIDS Day visit for women living with HIV from India, Swaziland and the US.

The visiting participants are: Beri Hull, from the USA, who is North America representative of the International Community of Women Living with HIV and AIDS; Jahnabi Goswami from India who is general secretary, INP+ the national Network of People Living with HIV; and Thembi Nkambule of Swaziland who is national coordinator of Network of Women Living with HIV, Swaziland. All three lead education and advocacy efforts in their respective countries.

The three women hope through sharing their stories of courage, determination and selfless service to their communities they inspire leaders who will become champions on issues regarding women and AIDS.

The visit began yesterday in Washington, DC. Today a World AIDS Day luncheon commemorating the 20th Anniversary of World AIDS Day is being held at the National Press Club. Michele Moloney-Kitts, assistant coordinator, Office of the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator and Tim Wirth, former U.S. senator and President, UN Foundation and Better World Campaign will also address this event.

On 3 December, the Global AIDS Alliance, UNAIDS, and participants will travel to Rock Hill, South Carolina for a two-day HIV awareness-raising tour, which is designed to educate and inform audiences about the role UNAIDS and the participants play in the global AIDS response. The visit will emphasize the need for effective leadership and AIDS solutions tailored to work for specific epidemics, including helping women and girls.