Feature Story
Second Eastern Europe and Central Asia AIDS Conference
02 May 2008
02 May 2008 02 May 2008
2nd Eastern Europe and Central Asia AIDS Conference ends
The Second Eastern Europe and Central Asia AIDS Conference concluded on May 5 after three-days of dialogue centred on better responding to the region’s HIV epidemic.
Read UNAIDS Executive Director's speech ( en | ru )
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Second Eastern Europe and Central Asia AIDS Conference
A three-day conference on AIDS opens in Moscow on May 3 with a focus on the epidemic in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region. UNAIDS Executive Director Dr Peter Piot will address the opening plenary and take part in sessions discussing the challenges facing the region in its AIDS response.
This year’s conference will provide dialogue and interaction among political and community leaders, scientists and other researchers, people living with HIV and representatives of civil society from across Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
The conference is hosted by the Russian Federation, with support from UNAIDS, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and the International AIDS Society.
Read press release
Visit the official web site
Towards Universal Access in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: Delivering on AIDS today and in the longer term

Eastern Europe and Central Asia have faced significant increases in the numbers of new HIV infections in recent years. In 2007, an estimated 1.6 million people were living with HIV in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, a dramatic increase of 150% from the 630,000 people in 2001.
Read moreSecond Eastern Europe and Central Asia AIDS Confe
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria
International AIDS Society
Press center:
Read UNAIDS Executive Director's speech ( en | ru )
Read press release
External links:
Visit the official web site of the conference
2007 AIDS epidemic update regional summary - Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Three Years On: From crisis to prospective recovery

20 February 2025