Feature Story

First Summit of Global Agenda Councils

07 November 2008

Mohamed Alabbar, Chairman, Emaar Properties and co-chair of the Summit on the Global Agenda, speaking at the Introductory Session of the Summit on the Global Agenda, 07 November - 09 November 2008. Copyright World Economic Forum/Photo by Dana Smillie.

The World Economic Forum's first Summit of the Global Agenda Councils - a unique gathering of leaders from academia, business, government and civil society – is taking place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates from 7 to 9 November. UNAIDS Executive Director Dr. Peter Piot is in Dubai participating in this event.

The Summit aims to advance solutions to the world’s most critical challenges; the Forum’s new Global Agenda Council is being billed as the world’s foremost intelligence and knowledge network.

Over the coming days, Dr. Piot, in his role as Chairman of the Global Agenda Council for HIV/AIDS, will participate in several workshops and sessions where discussions will be held on how to improve the state of the world, highlighting specific issues including HIV, systemic financial risk, global governance, energy security, child welfare, climate change and food security. Further issues under discussion will be actions and actors in these areas; presentation of key insights from the Councils discussions; and decisions on next steps for the Councils.

The outcomes of this Summit will be presented for further discussion and action at the World Economic Forum’s upcoming Annual Meeting 2009 in Davos, Switzerland.