Feature Story

Coalition of global business gathers to turn knowledge into action on AIDS

23 June 2009


More than 250 people from business and NGO sectors, government and multilateral bodies are gathering in Washington, D.C. for the annual conference of the Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. The Coalition, know as GBC, has convened the two-day event to help ensure that private sector initiatives on these three diseases remains high on the corporate agenda.

The GBC brings the private sector's solutions-oriented approach and drive for measurable results to addressing HIV, tuberculosis and malaria. Members will discuss how to deliver practical tools and strategies that result in programmes achieving greater impact while being more cost-effective. Sessions are designed for exchanging knowledge and a diversity of perspectives, and also for investigating how to turn these reflections and ideas into action and results.

Participants from partner organizations and businesses include Clarence Cazalot, Marathon Oil CEO and Sir Mark Moody-Stuart, Chairman of Anglo American plc; who will join participants from global health and development including Philippe Douste-Blazy, Under-Secretary-General In Charge of Innovative Financing for Development United Nations; Gayle Smith, Special Assistant to U.S. President Obama; Mark Dybul, Former U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator and Co-director; Stefan Emblad, Director of Resource Mobilization Unit of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria; Hannah Kettler, Senior Program Officer and Economist, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; British Robinson, Director of Public-Private Partnerships of PEPFAR; and Ambassador Karl Hoffman, President & CEO of Population Services International (PSI).

Regina Castillo, UNAIDS Head of Private Sector Partnerships will speak at a session on Collective Action where she will share UNAIDS’ perspective on facilitating next generation public-private partnership and the Programme’s experience in developing approaches that yield results for universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support.

The conference will end with the GBC's annual awards for business excellence which recognizes successful business action in the AIDS, TB and malaria responses. The awards dinner will take place on 24 June and be presented by Fareed Zakaria, Newsweek International and CNN Foreign Affairs Journalist.

For more information, please visit website

Coalition of global business gathers to turn know

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