Feature Story

UNAIDS welcomes legal registration of Viet Nam Network of People Living With HIV

26 November 2009

The Viet Nam Network of People Living with HIV (VNP+) was legally registered early November and officially launched on 24 November 2009, with the support of the Joint UN Team on HIV in Viet Nam.

VNP+ represents the combined strength of 150 self-help groups and alliances of People Living with HIV from various parts of Viet Nam, and ensures their meaningful involvement in the national response to AIDS.

Networks of people living with HIV are highly effective mechanisms for building partnerships and advocating for universal access to prevention, treatment, care and support.

Ms Jan Beagle, UNAIDS Deputy Executive Director, Management and External Relations

“Networks of people living with HIV are highly effective mechanisms for building partnerships and advocating for Universal Access to Prevention, Treatment, Care and Support,” said Ms Jan Beagle, UNAIDS Deputy Executive Director Management and External Relations who attended the network launching ceremony in Hanoi.

“I would therefore like to congratulate the government of Viet Nam for ensuring that people living with HIV are fully involved at every stage of the national response to HIV,” she added.

Registered as a local NGO under the name of Action Center for People Living with HIV, VNP+ is also mandated to provide training and create job opportunities for People Living with HIV and those affected by HIV; conduct information and communication activities on HIV/AIDS and promote research and prevention, care and treatment programs.

“The network will act to empower those living with and affected by HIV to overcome stigma and discrimination and contribute to the national response,” stated VNP+ representative Do Dang Dong, asserting “we look forward to a close partnership with the government, other civil society and with international organizations to best perform our role.”

The Joint UN Team on HIV and other partners particularly PEPFAR, have provided technical and financial support to VNP+ since its establishment in 2008. Earlier this year, the Joint UN Team supported the network with training on results based project management, policy advocacy skills and organization of regular information sharing meetings and its annual review meeting.

The UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board delegation attended the launch of VNP+ during their field visit to Viet Nam in 23-24 November.

Besides visiting UN supported projects and programmes on the ground, the delegation also met with government leaders, including the Chair of the National Committee on AIDS, Drugs and Prostitution Prevention and Control H.E. Deputy Prime Minister Truong Vinh Trong.