Feature Story

Me, Myself and HIV – 2 young people living positively

01 December 2010

For World AIDS Day 2010, MTV Staying Alive foundation, with support from UNAIDS, has produced the documentary Me, Myself And HIV. It will be airing globally across MTV channels. More than.100 other broadcasters across the world are also committed to airing the film on 1 December. 

Me, Myself and HIV follows two young people in their twenties—Slim, a DJ from Lusaka, Zambia and Angelikah a college student from Minneapolis, USA. Both are HIV positive and aim to offer the viewer an insight into the realities of living with HIV, the daily medications, the check ups and the effect it has on the body.

But the focus is also on the issues every young person has to deal with – dating, socializing, expressing their sexuality and achieving their ambitions. 

The full film can be watched at:

ME, Myself And HIV from MTV Staying Alive on Vimeo.


MTV Staying Alive are also trying to get 10 000 people to pledge to take an HIV test. Find out more about the initiative here www.bit.ly/mtvgettested