Feature Story
UNAIDS and Luxembourg foster joint action on AIDS
22 May 2012
22 May 2012 22 May 2012
Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs of Luxemburg, Marie-Josée Jacobs and UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé. 22 May 2012. Geneva.
Credit: UNAIDS/A. Obeid
The Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg has been a long-standing champion of the AIDS response both in its domestic approach to the epidemic and through its support to countries most affected by HIV. It has also been committed to supporting UNAIDS in terms of sustained funding as well as political support.
Luxembourg has particularly intensified efforts to advance the AIDS response for women and girls. In 2010-2011, Luxembourg contributed Euros 2 million to UNAIDS to reduce violence against women, increase progress on preventing new HIV infections in children and roll out the UNAIDS Agenda for accelerated country action for women and girls which focuses on addressing the specific needs of women and girls and protect their human rights.
As part of its continuing commitment to ending AIDS, Luxembourg has signed a multi-year funding agreement with UNAIDS to foster joint action and bolster the global response to HIV.
The Executive Director of UNAIDS Michel Sidibé expressed his appreciation to Luxembourg for keeping AIDS high on the political agenda. “The signing of this funding agreement between the Government of Luxembourg and UNAIDS marks a new phase in our partnership,” said Mr Sidibé. “It demonstrates the Government of Luxembourg’s commitment to our work and I am confident that this sustained collaboration on key priorities will produce tangible results.”
Luxembourg believes in maximizing the impact of its international development cooperation by working with strategic partners such as UNAIDS
Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs of Luxemburg, Marie-Josée Jacobs
The agreement was signed by the Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs, Marie-Josée Jacobs and the UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé. Emphasising the importance of shared goals and objectives Minister Jacobs said, “The agreement is a token of Luxembourg’s trust in UNAIDS and its important work towards achieving MDG 6. Furthermore, Luxembourg believes in maximizing the impact of its international development cooperation by working with strategic partners such as UNAIDS.”
Under the new agreement and pending parliamentary approval Luxembourg will provide annual contributions to UNAIDS up to and including 2015. In addition Luxembourg will provide thematic contributions for work on specific issues. In 2012 the thematic contributions will be for gender equality and AIDS as well as for support to national strategic planning at country level. Luxembourg's support to the AIDS response will be essential in strengthening on-going work towards achieving universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support by 2015 and the targets set out in the 2011 UN Political Declaration on AIDS.
Prior to the meeting and the signing of the agreement, technical experts from Luxembourg and UNAIDS came together to discuss thematic priorities. These include Luxembourg’s strong focus on improving the protection of human rights in the context of HIV, addressing the needs and rights of women and girls including zero-based tolerance for gender-based violence, as well as supporting national strategic planning to advance AIDS programmes in countries.