Feature Story

US shows bold, unwavering commitment to AIDS response

03 December 2013

As world leaders gather in the United States to pledge their commitment to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria’s (Global Fund) replenishment conference, UNAIDS is calling for a successful outcome to ensure that no-one is left behind.

The United States is hosting the important replenishment conference which will secure financing for the Global Fund’s AIDS, TB and malaria programmes from 2014 to 2016. Ahead of the meeting, United States President Barack Obama welcomed global leaders to a special event at the White House in Washington DC.

During the event the President announced that the US has met—and in some cases exceeded—the targets set for the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). The targets, set in 2011, included ensuring access to antiretroviral therapy for 6 million people living with HIV. President Obama announced that the US is currently supporting 6.7 million people in gaining access to lifesaving treatment.

As the host country, President Obama also called on other world leaders to fully support global efforts to end the AIDS epidemic and stated the US will give US$ 1 to match every US$ 2 pledged to the Global Fund by other donors over the next three years (up to US$ 5 billion). 


"The United States of America will remain the global leader in the fight against HIV. We will stand with you every step of this journey until we reach the day that we know is possible, when all men and women can protect themselves from infection; a day when all people with HIV have access to the treatments that extend their lives; the day when there are no new babies being born with HIV, and when we achieve, at long last, what was once hard to imagine—and that’s an AIDS-free generation."

United States President Barack Obama

"Greater commitments from our partners to the Global Fund should give greater confidence…I am extremely encouraged by the increased investments from the United Kingdom, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Canada, as well as from Germany and France. All of them are extending their high levels of commitment. If everybody steps up we will do even more to meet this challenge."

United States Secretary of State John Kerry

"Solidarity, tolerance and results are the hallmarks of global leadership on AIDS. President Obama’s unfaltering commitment increases the chances we will realize an AIDS-free generation in our lifetimes."

UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé