Vote to end AIDS
Feature Story
Vote to end AIDS
30 January 2013
30 January 2013 30 January 2013Make your voice heard.
The United Nations has launched a broad consultation process for the next global development goals.
The original Millennium Development Goals that Member States agreed to in 2000 include a goal focused on the AIDS response.
As part of the outreach effort the UN announced an online crowdsourcing platform called My World where people can prioritize issues and share ideas.
MY World gives people the option to vote on 16 different issues to prioritize and there is an option to ‘SUGGEST a priority’. Ending AIDS is not part of the 16 voting options.
A “get out the vote” campaign has been launched to help make Ending AIDS a priority. Everyone who feels that AIDS should be one of the top issues can write-in “End AIDS”.
MY World will show how votes are trending and use the data to help inform wider consultations on the road to the new global goals.
The AIDS epidemic has been one of the defining issues of our time. Like going to the moon, ending AIDS is a dream that is possible. We are on the cusp of reaching the response’s full potential for saving lives. Now is the time to recommit to making this dream come true.
Ending AIDS can be a reality but only if the international community names it as a priority in the post-2015 agenda. If we lose the focus on AIDS, it will not be possible to capitalize on the tools that have been developed to halt infection and keep people living with HIV alive.
Ending AIDS is an essential component for international development now and post 2015. The AIDS response has contributed to the health infrastructure in countries and has stopped unnecessary deaths and new infections. The challenge will continue after 2015 to prevent new infections, support people living with HIV and integrate with other health services.
The community of people living with HIV has significantly contributed to and benefited from progress since the MDGs were put in place, including advancements in treatment and prevention that will contribute to Ending AIDS. After 2015, it is essential that Ending AIDS remains a critical part of the development issues in order to translate success and make real sustainable links with other development issues.
I voted for the end of AIDS! Because it is too early to give up, we are getting results now. Young people still need our commitment!
30 years of HIV has seen great strides in keeping many people living with HIV alive. At the beginning of the forth decade, we know enough to keep all people living with HIV alive, provide HIV treatment to all people in need and to eliminate all new HIV infections among children.
The AIDS epidemic has defined our generation, ending the life of millions of young people in the last decades. The end of AIDS must be a goal for humanity. We need everyone's commitment to make the dream of a world free of AIDS become a reality soon
With my Kora I tell the story, with my vote I help make change happen. I voted against AIDS! You too can make history happen by telling the story and voting to 'END AIDS'.
I voted to end AIDS. Join my team and do the same!! AIDS is everybody's business.
The world has invested billions of dollars to halt and reverse the spread of HIV. We have come close to doing that and need to sustain the gains made. That is why I voted.
We, as a global community, have the opportunity to better the lives of individuals and families all around the world. When we come together in support of a common cause, our potential for impact has no bounds. Join me in supporting young people to lead healthy, HIV-free lives. Vote to end AIDS.