Feature Story

United Kingdom's Department for International Development announces a 50% increase in its annual contribution to UNAIDS

29 November 2013

The United Kingdom's Department for International Development has announced a 50% increase in its annual contribution to UNAIDS, from £10 million to £15 million for 2013 and 2014. The announcement was made by Lynne Featherstone, UK Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at an event on the UK’s International Response to AIDS. The event was co-organized by the All Party Parliamentary Group on HIV and AIDS and STOPAIDS to commemorate World AIDS Day.

Minister Featherstone emphasized the leadership of UNAIDS and its critical role in the global response to AIDS. She also stressed the need to continue efforts to prevent stigma and discrimination of all kinds.

Speaking at the event, UNAIDS Deputy Executive Director, Programme, Luiz Loures congratulated the UK on its commitment to the AIDS response and welcomed the UK's support and confidence in the work of UNAIDS. Dr Loures emphasized the need to ensure that no one is left behind in the response to HIV.

During the event, held in London in the House of Commons and chaired by Russell Brown MP, a review of the UK’s position paper on HIV in the developing world was launched followed by a discussion with Anne Aslett, CEO of the Elton John AIDS Foundation, Marijke Wijnroks, Chief of Staff at the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria and Nik Hartley, CEO of Restless Development.


"The UK government is committed to achieving the UN’s vision of zero new HIV infections; zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths. Ensuring better integration of HIV within wider health systems, supporting key affected populations and making sure that women and girls are central to the HIV response are vital if we are to help people live longer healthier and more productive lives"

Lynne Featherstone, UK Parliamentary Under Secretary of State

"Although the end of AIDS is in sight, it is not in sight for everybody, our job is to ensure that no one is left behind because he is a gay man or a migrant or an African child"

Luiz Loures, UNAIDS Deputy Executive Director, Programme