Panelist H.E. Joe Costello, Minister of Trade and Development of Ireland; Chair H.E. Ismanto Adna, Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs, Republic of Suriname; Panelist Ms. Amina Doherty, International Consultant and Board Member of the Global Fund for Women and Just Associates (Civil Society Representative of Women’s Networks); UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé; Discussant Ms Jacquelyn Alesi Programme Director, Uganda Network for Young People Living with HIV; Moderator Mr Rajiv Joshi, Interim CEO, The B Team and Co-Chair, UN Working Group at Beyond 2015; and Panelist Ms Primrose Nanchani Manyalo, Programme Coordinator, Restless Development, Zimbabwe (Major Group on Children and Youth Civil Society Representative).
Better development outcomes through participation: The role of women, the young people and civil society in the post-2015 debate
10 March 2014
10 March 2014 10 March 2014The Contributions of women, the young and civil society to the post-2015 development agenda were discussed from 6-7 March at a consultation chaired by the President of the United Nations General Assembly John W. Ashe.
The two-day meeting is part of a number of high-level consultations and thematic debates that will take place at the General Assembly during the spring of 2014 to identify concrete action for the implementation of the post-2015 development agenda.
Key questions addressed included: How to reflect the rights of women and the young and civil society in the post-2015 development agenda? How to ensure people’s active, full and meaningful engagement in the design, elaboration and subsequent implementation of the post-2015 development agenda? And how to effectively support efforts, at all levels, to reduce inequality and discrimination?
World leaders, UN heads of agencies including UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé and civil society representatives including Jacquelyne Alesi, Programmes Director Ugandan Network of Young people living with HIV/AIDS.
Key messages
- UN and governments to ensure substantive space for young people, marginalized groups and civil society in the intergovernmental negotiating process that will result in the post 2015 agenda.
- Significant new resources should be made available for civil society including women’s and youth organizations, as part of the post-2015 agenda to enable civil society organizations to act independently and demand action from states on the community’s agendas.
- Draw lessons from the global AIDS response progress reporting as an inclusive accountability mechanism to monitor progress towards the implementation of the post-2015 development agenda.
“I urge you to make the voices of young women heard in the post-2015 agenda and to assure access to safe, comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services delivered by knowledgeable, ethical, supportive, and qualified health service providers. For everyone; young, old, woman, man, HIV negative or HIV positive - we should include sexual and reproductive health and rights for all people in our goals for 2030.”
“Putting people at the center of governance mechanisms should be the guiding principle of any future architecture, especially with a view to enhancing global accountability. This must include a real transfer of decision-making power and influence from those who govern to the governed.”