ANOCA and UNAIDS team up for the AIDS response
11 November 2014
11 November 2014 11 November 2014The Association of National Olympic Committees of Africa (ANOCA) and UNAIDS signed a partnership agreement to work together in the AIDS response, particularly in the response among young athletes.
The agreement was signed in Bangkok, Thailand, on the sidelines of the XIX General Assembly of the Association of National Olympic Committees by ANOCA President Lassana Palenfo and Djibril Diallo, on behalf of UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé.
UNAIDS and ANOCA agreed to carry out joint advocacy and communication activities in sporting events organized by ANOCA in support of the UNAIDS Protect the Goal campaign. They will also work together to raise HIV awareness, particularly among sportspeople, to promote HIV prevention and towards the elimination of all forms of stigma and discrimination of people affected by HIV.
“We are very excited and keen to join forces with UNAIDS to spread HIV protection messages to young athletes across Africa. By signing this cooperation agreement with UNAIDS, ANOCA commits itself and the Olympic movement to build coordinated efforts in order to help promote the Protect the Goal campaign.”
“HIV prevention and athletics are a winning duo. Millions of young people are actively involved in athletics—together with ANOCA, we can reach out to young athletes and ensure that they have access to accurate information about HIV, so that they can protect themselves and lead healthy lives.”