Investing in community responses to HIV
18 August 2015
18 August 2015 18 August 2015There is widespread recognition that community responses to HIV need to be scaled-up, resourced at much higher levels and integrated into national AIDS plans if UNAIDS Fast-Track targets are to be met by 2020. A new report from UNAIDS and Stop AIDS Alliance provides a summary of existing evidence that shows how community responses result in positive health outcomes and improved quality of life for individuals and communities at large.
Communities deliver shows how community responses reach people in need of prevention, treatment and care through activities such as advocacy, financing, participation in accountability mechanisms, research and the delivery of services. The report provides a categorization of the different types of community responses to HIV and includes illustrative examples of each kind of community action from around the world.
The report is currently available in English and will soon be translated into French, Russian and Spanish.