
HIV is everybody’s business

15 November 2016

UNAIDS and Anglo American, one of the world’s largest mining companies, have announced a public–private sector partnership to promote HIV testing worldwide.

Since the early days of the HIV epidemic, Anglo American has experienced first-hand the impact that HIV and tuberculosis (TB) have had on its employees, their families and their communities. For the past three decades, Anglo American has been at the forefront of developing a comprehensive business sector response to HIV and TB. Today, it has a world-class workplace programme offering free HIV testing, counselling and antiretroviral therapy for its employees and their dependents. Anglo American encourages all employees to know their HIV status.

The Sustainable Development Goals provide a new opportunity for the business sector to engage further in the global AIDS response as a powerful, influential and effective partner. Forward-looking companies, like Anglo American, have already demonstrated success in addressing some of the major challenges raised by HIV and TB through business-led ventures that are impactful, scalable, measurable, replicable and go beyond “business as usual”.

During the International AIDS Conference in Durban, South Africa, in July 2016, a UNAIDS and Anglo American initiative to promote HIV testing reached over 6 million people via social media channels and got over 100 000 “protests” on the ProTest HIV website—www.protesthiv.org. In the run up to this year’s World AIDS Day, 1 December, Anglo American is encouraging all its employees to get tested for HIV and to engage in activities that will help to raise awareness on HIV testing worldwide.

Ending AIDS as a public health threat by 2030 will only be achieved by working together. This new partnership demonstrates the power of collective action in mobilizing people around the world.


“Anglo American demonstrates that providing HIV and tuberculosis services isn’t just the right thing to do, it’s also a good investment. Business cannot succeed in societies that fail. We are pleased to partner with Anglo American in promoting HIV testing and encourage companies everywhere to scale up their efforts to end AIDS by 2030.”

Michel Sidibé UNAIDS Executive Director

“We recognize the profound importance of human rights in shaping our response to HIV, and, for that matter, to any disease. Our approach to HIV is based primarily on a moral imperative: the need for business to realize the right to health for all of our employees. Anglo American has been a pioneer in the AIDS response for over 30 years. In our efforts to achieve an HIV-free generation, collaboration is vital and we are proud to partner with UNAIDS in this effort.”

Mark Cutifani Chief Executive, Anglo American

Hands up for #HIVprevention — World AIDS Day campaign