Feature Story

UNAIDS Executive Director addresses Parliamentary Assembly of the Francophonie

11 July 2017

The UNAIDS Executive Director, Michel Sidibé, has addressed the 43rd Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Francophonie on the centrality of the Francophonie in making progress towards the end of AIDS.

The assembly, which brings Francophone parliamentarians together annually to exchange views, learn about good practices and take a position on cross-cutting issues affecting the French-speaking world, met on 10 July in Luxembourg.

Nearly 600 members of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Francophonie and more than 20 presidents of parliamentary assemblies gathered for the event, which was held under the theme of “Linguistic diversity, cultural diversity, identities”.


“The Francophonie, more than a linguistic tool, constitutes a political and scientific space, built around common values.”

Michel Sidibé UNAIDS Executive Director

“It seems to me to be essential to insist on the cultural dimension governing human relations, both within a single society and in relations between peoples.”

Henri Grand Duke of Luxembourg

“I welcome the allocation of 1% of the Grand Duchy’s budget for development cooperation. Diversity is to be cherished, preserved and promoted.”

Xavier Bettel Prime Minister of Luxembourg

“We, the Francophonie, constitute so many actors of massive movement for peace and stability, for the eradication of discrimination and violence against women, for full respect for their rights and economic empowerment, for access to quality education and training for all, to create decent and sustainable jobs, especially for young people, for shared growth, for sustainable and responsible development and for the full development of linguistic and cultural diversity.”

Michaëlle Jean Secretary-General, Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie

“Our identity is based on the francophone values we are committed to defend.”

Aubin Minaku Ndjalandjoko President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Francophonie and President of the National Assembly of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
