Feature Story

International Women’s Day in Ethiopia

12 March 2019

The UNAIDS Executive Director, Michel Sidibé, celebrated International Women’s Day in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, at an event organized by the Ministry for Women, Youth and Children Affairs and supported by UNAIDS. The event brought together female leaders and representatives of women’s associations from all over the country. Addressing the meeting, the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Abiy Ahmed, emphasized that women are the “pillars of the nation.”

Yalem Tsegaye, the Minister of Women, Children and Youth Affairs, outlined the Jegnit initiative. Jegnit means “heroine” and is an innovative movement led by the Government of Ethiopia to empower and bring more women to leadership positions, both at the community and political levels.

During the event Mr Sidibé congratulated the Prime Minister and the Government of Ethiopia for its bold reforms in addressing the gender gap by appointing women to leadership positions in all sectors. He commended the Prime Minister for ensuring gender parity in his Cabinet.

“It is time to empower women and girls, because ending AIDS is as much about righting power imbalances as it is about health. This means prioritizing girls and young women in true partnership with them. It means providing adolescents girls and young women with more options and real choices,” said Mr Sidibé.

While in Addis Ababa, Mr Sidibé met with Vera Songwe, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, the first woman to hold the post in 60 years, to discuss ongoing collaboration on sustainable AIDS responses across the African continent.

Mr Sidibé also met with Amira Elfadil of the Department of Social Affairs of the African Union. In 2019, UNAIDS and the African Union are celebrating 20 years of a partnership focused on ending the AIDS epidemic across Africa.