Feature Story
UNAIDS and UN Women working together in Malawi
07 May 2019
07 May 2019 07 May 2019One of the 11 UNAIDS Cosponsors, UN Women is working closely with UNAIDS to improve the lives of women and girls worldwide. In Malawi, for example, UNAIDS and UN Women have partnered to reduce the impact of gender-based violence and mitigate the risk of HIV infection among women and girls.
“UN Women is the youngest of the UNAIDS Cosponsors, and we are delighted to work closely with UNAIDS and other partners under the UNAIDS Unified Budget, Results and Accountability Framework 2016–2021,” says Clara M.W. Anyangwe, the representative of UN Women in Malawi. The Unified Budget, Results and Accountability Framework (UBRAF) is a UNAIDS instrument that maximizes the coherence, coordination and impact of the United Nations response to HIV by combining the efforts of the UNAIDS Cosponsors and UNAIDS Secretariat. Its principal aim is to allocate financial resources to catalyse country-level action in the AIDS response.
With UBRAF funding, UN Women in Malawi has teamed up with an impressive number of partners, including UNAIDS, the Ministry of Gender, Children, Disability and Social Welfare, the National AIDS Commission, the National Law Commission, the United Nations Development Programme, the Malawi Network of AIDS Service Organizations and civil society to implement a project that aims to enhance the national response to sexual and gender-based violence, harmful practices, sexual and reproductive health and rights and HIV.
“Working together as UNAIDS Cosponsors is just a better approach,” says Ms Anyangwe. “There is no single agency that can help the country to achieve the UNAIDS 90–90–90 targets. Instead, each agency has a comparative advantage that they bring to the table. In this case, UN Women brings in the gender dimension and UNAIDS its expertise in the HIV response.”
Malawi has made great progress in reducing new HIV infections. In 2017, there were 39 000 new HIV infections, a 40% reduction since 2010, but 9500 of those were among adolescent girls and young women between the ages of 15 and 24 years. That is more than double the number among men of the same age group.
The project has produced a perception study on the prevailing gender norms that increase violence against women and girls and their risk of HIV infection in Malawi, such as rite of passage practices, sexual cleansing, child marriage, marriage by proxy and transactional sex. An indicator framework has been developed from the findings that will be used to track progress of Malawi’s National Strategic Plan for HIV and AIDS.
An important part of the project is to engage with traditional leaders, including those who facilitate rite of passage practices, and mother and father groups. As a result of the engagements, a framework has been developed that links partners in the local HIV, sexual and reproductive health and rights and sexual and gender-based violence response to monitor and address harmful cultural practices that occur during local rites of passage ceremonies.
A series of intergenerational dialogues that brought together young people, people living with HIV and traditional and faith-based leaders revealed that issues such as lack of access to youth-friendly HIV and sexual and reproductive health and rights services, peer pressure, stigma and discrimination and gender-based violence need to be addressed in order to increase young people’s resilience and empower them to protect themselves against HIV infection.
“We also leveraged UN Women’s global He for She campaign to engage men and boys as partners of women and girls. We were looking particularly to foster a positive masculinity. How can we use masculinity to protect women and girls against harmful practices?” said Ms Anyangwe.
During the dialogues, more than 100 men and boys took the pledge to be He for She champions to promote gender equality and reduce HIV and sexual and gender-based violence. The human rights approach embedded in the project has seen laws and policies that relate to HIV and gender translated into local languages and widely disseminated in affected communities.
Ms Anyangwe insists that leveraging the specific expertise of partners under the UBRAF umbrella is reaping rewards in Malawi.
“It has also been great to have UNAIDS as a member of the Country Coordinating Mechanism of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. UNAIDS’ involvement in these mechanisms benefits us all,” she says.
“We really value UN Women’s continued support and partnership in ending HIV and gender-based violence in Malawi,” says Thérèse Poirier, UNAIDS Country Director for Malawi. “It has been beneficial to work as One UN so we don’t confuse our national counterparts by coming in and working separately on different areas of these interconnected and multilayered epidemics,” she said.