Feature Story
Zero Discrimination Platform relaunched in Central African Republic
29 October 2021
29 October 2021 29 October 2021The goal of zero discrimination still eludes the Central African Republic. HIV-related stigma is pervasive in the lives of people living with HIV in the country. According to the 2018 People Living with HIV Stigma Index, discrimination affects almost all of the people living with HIV surveyed (more than 87%). And more than 45% of people living with HIV have experienced some form of stigma because of their HIV status. Stigma affects women (49%) more than men (37%).
“But the fight against HIV remains a public health priority for the government, which was the first country to join the Global Partnership for Action to Eliminate all Forms of HIV-Related Stigma and Discrimination, in December 2019,” said Marguerite Ramadan, the Minister of Gender Promotion, Women’s Protection, Family and Children, Central African Republic.
Since its engagement in the Global Partnership for Action to Eliminate all Forms of HIV-Related Stigma and Discrimination, the Central African Republic has implemented several key activities.
A memorandum of understanding was signed between the Ministry of National Defence and Reconstruction, the Ministry of Health and Population, the AIDS Control Council (CNLS) and UNAIDS to implement programmes aimed at eliminating gender-based violence and accelerating HIV prevention, treatment and care within the defence and security forces. A national charter of patients’ rights has been launched and is being disseminated progressively in health centres. A series of key human rights activities have been included in the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria’s grant for 2021–2023.
A Zero Discrimination Platform, composed of some 30 partners representing ministries, CNLS, United Nations agencies, technical and financial partners, civil society, human rights organizations and other organizations was launched in 2020 and is supporting these efforts, including through identifying synergies.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, initiatives have slowed down, so in order to relaunch the momentum of the Zero Discrimination Platform and agree on collective priorities for the end of 2021 and 2022, a validation workshop and launch of a joint workplan took place in Bangui, Central African Republic, on 28 October under the chairmanship of the Minister of Gender Promotion, Women’s Protection, Family and Children.
Priorities include the adoption of a revised law on HIV, the revision of training programmes for health professionals to include ethics and human rights, the signing of a memorandum of understanding between organizations of lawyers and networks of people living with HIV and key populations to provide free legal services and training on knowing your rights, the development of radio and television spots on discrimination issues and high-level advocacy for better integration of HIV issues in humanitarian interventions.
“The denial of health services to people living with HIV remains unfortunately common in the country, and the prevalence and effects of discrimination are often particularly severe for members of key populations, who face multiple and overlapping forms of discrimination,” said Marie Engel, Director, a.i., of the UNAIDS Country Office for the Central African Republic.