Feature Story

Eastern Europe and Central Asia may face an accelerated increase in new HIV infections and AIDS-related deaths because of the humanitarian crisis gripping the entire region

28 October 2022

Global shocks, including the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine, have further exacerbated risks for the HIV response in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The growing HIV epidemic and several waves of migration and refugee crises in the region require urgent and considerable efforts to ensure access to essential HIV services for all people in need. Officials and community representatives from several countries of the region have discussed how to address those challenges using the recommendations of the new Global AIDS Report “In Danger’ during the launch of the Report in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

When the Republic of Moldova faced the first wave of refugees from the war in Ukraine, with 500 000 people passing through within the first few months, there was not much time to prepare.

Svetlana Popovichi, National Treatment Coordinator in the Republic of Moldova, explained: “The Government prepared a legislative framework so that all people, regardless of their residence and available documents, have access to necessary HIV services. Civil society and community organizations worked day and night to connect us to people in need. Together with partners, despite the huge flow, we provided all the necessary services, including PrEP and treatment for pregnant women. We were able to quickly redesign our treatment plans so that everyone—our people and refugees—living with HIV had equal access to treatment and services.”

“This is our universal recommendation for countries in crisis,” said Gabriel Ionascu, UNAIDS Country Director in Kazakhstan. “All people, including foreigners, have to have access to HIV services, otherwise the infection will spread further.”

According to Azamat Dysenov, Director of the Treatment Department in the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan, the availability of antiretroviral medicines for Kazakhstan citizens living with HIV in the country is 100%. Treatment and prevention programmes are funded from the state budget and available for all Kazakh people free of charge. He said: “Today we are facing new challenges, including active migration movements. We are ready to strengthen cooperation with neighbouring countries, maximize the potential of civil society, and work together to remove barriers to access to HIV services for all who need them.”

“Stigma and discrimination towards people living with HIV and other vulnerable groups, which are worsening during the humanitarian crisis, continue to be the major block to an effective response to the HIV epidemic in this region,” said Eamonn Murphy, UNAIDS Deputy Executive Director and Regional Director for Eastern Europe and Central Asia. “HIV transmission, exposure and nondisclosure are criminalized in all countries. While the majority of countries have decriminalized same-sex sexual relations, stigma against gay men and other men who have sex with men remains common.”

According to the UNAIDS Global AIDS Update: In Danger, in 2021, 160 000 [130 000–180 000] people were newly infected with HIV in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, a 48% increase since 2010. The number of AIDS-related deaths in the region in 2021, at 44 000 [36 000–53 000], is 32% higher than in 2010, despite expanding HIV treatment coverage and availability of new prevention methods and measures to control opportunistic infections. According to UNAIDS, in 2020, 54% of new HIV diagnoses in the region were detected at the late stage (CD4+ <350 cells), which is 10% more than in 2018.

Amir Shaikezhanov, an activist and AmanBol Project Director in Kazakhstan, said it is important to remember “there are people behind these facts and figures. Stigma is difficult to measure, but it hugely impacts access to HIV services for different groups. My friend just recently died from AIDS because he was not ready to disclose his gay status and HIV-positive status, even to doctors.”

The “transgender community has been excluded and not visible for a long time. It is great that the report pays attention to this group, including to a high level of stigma towards transgender people,” said Victoria Primak, a transgender activist in Kazakhstan.

According to the UNAIDS report, COVID-19 exposed an epidemic of violence against women across the region. Baktygul Ismailova, Director of the Network of Women Living with HIV in Kyrgyzstan, emphasized that women living with HIV need protection from violence at all levels.

The report’s recommendations for the region include maximizing the availability of community-led, people-centred services; removing punitive and discriminatory laws, especially those criminalizing HIV and people from key populations; national action; and international solidarity in providing sustainable financing.

“Over the past two years, community organizations have proven their ability to adapt quickly to new challenges, address problems quickly in crisis situations, and provide people with the necessary HIV services. We are ready to take on all the work of providing services to key groups. We have people, experience, knowledge and understanding of what exactly and how exactly needs to be done. Give us this opportunity!” urged Nurali Amanzholov, Leader of the Central Asian Association of People Living with HIV.

Recent developments in the region, including the war in Ukraine, massive waves of refugees and migration, humanitarian challenges and economic slowdown, bring additional challenges in providing HIV and other health-care services to all people in need and ensure sustainable financing. Domestic funding for the HIV response in the region may slow down, and countries that still depend on international resources will not be able to ensure the sustainability of AIDS programmes.

“Consolidated efforts of countries and increased support from the international community are urgently needed,” said Eamonn Murphy.