Feature Story
Developing the 2030 recommended HIV targets: framing the future of the HIV response
26 July 2024
26 July 2024 26 July 2024UNAIDS has launched the 2030 target-setting process that will provide the framework for the next Global AIDS Strategy. A Global Targets Task Team (GTT) composed of 33 experts from governments, civil society and communities, donors, multilateral organizations and academic public health experts will propose the targets building on the targets set for 2025. The Global Task Team is co-chaired by Chewe Luo, former Director HIV at UNICEF and Michel Kazatchkine, former Executive Director at the Global Fund.
The targets and strategy will underpin and inform the June 2026 High Level meeting on AIDS. The 2030 HIV targets will provide milestones within the SDG 2030 targets of reducing new HIV infections and AIDS-related deaths.
As highlighted in the July 2024 Global AIDS Update – the Urgency of Now : AIDS at a crossroads, there will be millions of people living with HIV in 2030 and beyond. The next set of targets will focus on the services and systems that countries need to have in place to ensure a sustainable country-owned response after 2030.
In defining the targets, the GTT will consider the balance of proposed thematic areas, measurability, evidence of impact of interventions, gender-sensitivity and human rights. These targets will only be successful if they are adopted by countries. Ensuring their relevance to countries and country engagement will be fundamental to this process.
The GTT has been undertaking an initial scoping phase and will work until November 2024 to develop a set of recommended targets to UNAIDS. These targets will become the foundations of the next Global AIDS Strategy consultation process.