Feature Story
Impact of US funding cuts on the global AIDS response – 17 March 2025 update
19 March 2025
19 March 2025 19 March 2025UNAIDS is releasing weekly updates to track the impact of US cuts to foreign assistance on HIV testing, treatment and prevention. These reports are based on status reports generated by UNAIDS’ Country Offices.
As of 13 March, at least one status report had been received from UNAIDS’ County Offices in 67 countries, including 84% of all PEPFAR-funded countries and an additional 20 countries that receive US support for their AIDS responses.
Low- and middle-income countries across several regions are building on short-term emergency measures to address cuts in US foreign assistance taking action to sustain their national AIDS responses in the medium and long term.
UNAIDS’ Country Offices are supporting these efforts by working with heads of government, Ministries of Health and national AIDS authorities to assess the full impact of the cuts so countries can ensure continuation of critical HIV services in the medium and long term.
Many countries have conducted UNAIDS-supported rapid surveys to assess the impact of the cuts on recipients of HIV services. The results from one survey in a high-burden country in East Africa found that 62% of respondents reported difficulty accessing pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), 46% of people living with HIV experienced disruptions in HIV treatment, and 23% of people living with HIV received smaller amounts of antiretroviral medicines (e.g. a three-month supply instead of the usual six-month supply) from local dispensaries. The survey also found that viral load testing, community outreach, condom distribution and TB diagnostic efforts were also significantly impacted.