UNAIDS Speeches

Keynote Speech at the Asian Development Bank, Manila, 21 February 2005, “The challenge in Asia and the Pacific”, by Dr Peter Piot UNAIDS Executive Director

04 August 2006

Today, I think that the stars are getting into the right alignment with our signing this memorandum of understanding. Yes, one could be cynical and say that the Bank signs quite a few MOUs, with all kinds of organizations. But it coincides with the fact that funding is available for programmes as tomorrow Sweden and the Bank will sign an agreement providing specific funding for AIDS. And then there is the Bank’s AIDS strategy, which I understand will be discussed soon. And the Bank and UNAIDS have also worked together on developing the evidence base of the impact AIDS is having on social and economic development in Asia and the Pacific. So there is definitely strong will from both sides to work together, from the ADB and from us inside the UN Country Team system.