Youth Lead Y-Peer Youth Voices Count - Young Key Pops - UNAIDS and UNICEF
UNAIDS Advisory Breakout Group on AIDS Response Financing
UNAIDS Regional Support Team for Eastern and Southern Africa (RST ESA) and Africa Sex Workers Alliance (ASWA) - Sex workers, a community left behind in the HIV response, left behind in humanitarian crises responses. Can we break the cycle?
Spotlight on Data: sub-group of the UNAIDS Advisory Group on Science
UNAIDS RST Asia Pacific - CSOs - Strategic Direction for AP
UCO Cambodia and partners - Prevention and SRH services for Young Key Populations
UNAIDS RST Asia Pacific - Strategic Directions for AP
HIV Outcomes Europe - the 4th 90 quality of life
Report of the UNAIDS Advisory Group on key populations
UCO Armenia - Prioritization of strategic areas and innovative approaches to reach 2030 targets in Armenia
UNICEF WHO UNAIDS - HSS FGD Recommendations and considerations
Eurasian Union of Adolescents and Youth Organizations Teenegizer_Adolescent - Young People and HIV in EECA
Young UN - Youth Engagement
RST MENA and partners - Community mobilization, gender and human rights
UNAIDS RST MENA - Community mobilization, gender and human rights
UCO Djibouti - Improving access to services
Malawi CSO Advocacy Forum - HIV in Humanitarian Settings
NSWP - Sex work and HIV
WFP ILO UNAIDS Secretariat - HIV-sensitive social protection
RST MENA - HIV services in humanitarian settings that leaver no one behind
IATT on HIV and Humanitarian Emergencies - WFP, UNAIDS, UNHCR - HIV Response in Humanitarian Settings
UNAIDS Philippines - Community engagement in the country response to HIV (Key populations)
UCO Sudan and partners - Access to treatment-leaving no one behind
MPact and partners - Gay and Bisexual Men in the Global HIV Response
UCO Kenya and NACC - Adolescent and Young People
Robert Carr Fund - Investing in Civil Society Networks as key to addressing gaps in HIV response among inadequately served populations
RST LAC and RENPO - Indigenous Populations
UCO Kenya and KHF - Private Sector
The PACT and UNAIDS Secretariat - Young People and HIV
UNAIDS Caribbean - Caribbean lens discussion with stakeholders
Frontline AIDS - Sustaining community-led responses
EGPAF PATA Aidsfonds - Towards transformative and disruptive action to accelerate efforts to end HIV in children
Grupo de Cooperación Técnica Horizontal - Response to HIV in LAC
Frontline AIDS - Addressing violence and human rights
UCO Kenya and CASCOs
UNAIDS Caribbean - Perspectives from young people living with HIV who are involved in peer care and support
Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network and International Indigenous Working group on HIV - Indigenous Peoples
GNP+ / ICW / Y+ Global - People Living with HIV and Health Services
Plataforma LAC - Communities
Aidsfonds / Frontline AIDS - Decriminalization HIV non-disclosure, exposure and transmission; Sex work; Same-sex sexual relations; Drug use or possession; Nonconforming gender identities; And lowering the age of consent
UCO Kenya and FSWG - Faith response
UCO Kenya and KANCO - heads of NGOs
HIV Prevention and Control for Adolescents serving as a resource in the continuing of UNAIDS Strategy Development.
UAG breakout group - Science Strategic Information and Innovation
INPUD - People who use drugs
UCO Kenya and KP Consortium - Key populations
Frontline AIDS - HIV Prevention
UNAIDS Phillippines - Country-level implementation to achieve Fast Track Targets
Frontline AIDS - HIV Innovation
International Community of Women Living with HIV - Gender Equality/Priorities for the HIV Response
20200817_ICW.pdf (214.54 KB)
ATHENA - HIV prevention for AGYW who are most left behind , most criminalized and most discriminated
UCO India - Recommendations for next Global AIDS Strategy
UCO Benin - Health and community system strengthening and legal environment improvement
UCO Kenya and DPHK - Progress in Fast Track
UCO Jamaica - Recommendations on next Global AIDS Strategy
UCO Kenya and UN Joint Team Kenya
Academic Consortium of the UNAIDS/PEPFAR Faith Initiative - Maximizing the Contributions of Faith Partners: Where We’ve Been and Where We Can Do Better
20200811_Faith.pdf (134.46 KB)
APN+ and RST Bangkok - overall recommendations for AIDS response
Red Somos, Dialogo Diverso, Aid for AIDS (LAC) - HIV in humanitarian settings (Spanish)
Red Somos, Dialogo Diverso, Aid for AIDS (LAC) - HIV in humanitarian settings (English)
Disability and HIV
UNAIDS Human Rights Reference Group - HIV and Human Rights
RST LAC - Staff discussion (Spanish)
RST LAC - Staff discussion (English)
ATHENA - HIV prevention for AGYW who are most left behind, most criminalized and most discriminated
UCO Benin - Public health sector discussion
Eastern Europe and central Asia - Meaningful participation of organizations of communities of key populations in the formation and implementation of national and global policies, strategies, and programs of the HIV response
Harm Reduction International - Achieving sustainable funding for harm reduction
20200730_HRI.pdf (176.77 KB)
UNODC - HIV in prisons
UCO Benin - civil society
Women4GlobalFund - Defining a Global AIDS Strategy that upholds rights through a women centred approach
MPact - Gay and Bisexual Men in the Global HIV Response
UCOs Algeria Morocco Tunisia - Accelerating combination prevention for key and vulnerable populations
CAPRISA - Progress, Challenges and Opportunities: Adolescent Girls and young women in all their diversity
UNAIDS Advisory Group - AGYW