UNAIDS Executive Director visits projects in Namibia that empower adolescent girls and young women

UNITY Platform publishes annual report on violence against sexual and gender minorities in Cameroon

UNAIDS is saddened by the death of Patrick O’Connell, the founding director of Visual AIDS

100% Life: 20 years of fighting

Big drops in the cost of antiretroviral medicines, but COVID-19 threatens further reductions

Joint mission supports the response to HIV in Gboklè/Nawa/San Pedro, Côte d'Ivoire

United Nations Secretary-General calls for a greater focus on ending inequalities to end AIDS

UNAIDS welcomes Lord Fowler as an ambassador

High rates of hepatitis C and HIV coinfection among key populations

Interactive multistakeholder hearing takes place ahead of United Nations High-Level Meeting on AIDS

Civil society from Asia and the Pacific join the first regional consultation on the High-Level Meeting on AIDS

Epidemiological Well-Being conference opens in Moscow

Regional network of people living with HIV launched in the Middle East and North Africa

Less than 60% of pregnant women living with HIV in western and central Africa have access to services to stop vertical transmission of HIV

Commission on Narcotic Drugs discusses how COVID-19 is impacting the world drug problem

Benefits of continuing to provide life-saving HIV services outweigh the risk of COVID-19 transmission by 100 to 1

Wide range in access to HIV testing of babies in the Caribbean

Statement by Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director of UNAIDS, on the occasion of World Health Day

Keeping girls in school reduces new HIV infections

New study recommends strategies to serve the under-protected Caribbean transgender community

UNAIDS joins human rights community in mourning Christof Heyns, legal academic and expert

(Wo)man in the Mirror: seeing your true self

Solidarity fund helping transgender people during the COVID-19 pandemic

Fighting transphobia and violence one social media post at a time

Transgender communities in Asia and the Pacific respond to COVID-19 through activism

UNAIDS supports community-based campaign against COVID-19 in Equatorial Guinea

Positive Women with Disabilities in Uganda puts people at the centre during COVID-19 pandemic

Less than 40% of countries report having training programmes at the national level for law enforcement personnel on human rights and HIV

Representatives of people living with HIV, key populations and other affected communities selected to join the multistakeholder task force for the high-level meeting on HIV

UNAIDS works with partners to support the COVID-19 recovery for vulnerable people in Indonesia

Tuberculosis deaths among people living with HIV are declining globally, but worrying gaps in TB care persist

Huge gaps in TB care for people living with HIV in some countries

Drop-in centre provides a lifeline for sex workers in Ethiopia

Drop-in centre for sex workers opened in Togo

Digital HIV education for Jamaican young people during COVID-19 and beyond

In Your Hands: Caribbean partners call for HIV self-testing during COVID-19

UNAIDS warns that violence in Myanmar is impeding access to services for people living with and affected by HIV

Global Partnership members commemorate Zero Discrimination Day around the world

Monitoring HIV/TB services in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Towards 10–10–10 in eastern Europe and central Asia

Stranded in Nepal without HIV medicine

Accelerating and expanding HIV services in the Central African Republic

Call for nominations of people living with HIV, key populations and other affected communities to join the multistakeholder task force for the high-level meeting on HIV

Coalition working to end gender-based sexual violence in Democratic Republic of the Congo

UNAIDS Executive Director's message on International Women’s Day 2021

Navigating Lesotho’s legal system to address gender-based violence

Children living with HIV lagging behind adults in access to treatment

Putting people at the centre brings good results in Nigeria

Gender inequalities in Senegal highlighted on Zero Discrimination Day

From HIV survivor to COVID-19 responder