How the shift in US funding is threatening both the lives of people affected by HIV and the community groups supporting them

HIV Epidemic in Mozambique and US Government Contribution (PEPFAR)

UNAIDS urges that all essential HIV services must continue while U.S. pauses its funding for foreign aid

HIV financial data: A transformative power to ensure sustainability of the AIDS response

HIV financial data: A transformative power to ensure sustainability of the AIDS response

HIV financial data: A transformative power to ensure sustainability of the AIDS response

Experts back G20 action to tackle pandemics by addressing the inequalities which drive them and by boosting production of medicines in every region of the world

UNAIDS welcomes the Spanish government’s announcement of a new € 1 million contribution to overcome the global AIDS pandemic

UNAIDS and China sign two strategic agreements to advance the HIV response

UNAIDS and Global Fund sign a new strategic framework for their collaboration to end AIDS

UNAIDS calls for sustained and expanded health and HIV investments at the Spring Meetings of the IMF and World Bank

UNAIDS calls for sustained and expanded health and HIV investments at the Spring Meetings of the IMF and World Bank

Expand HIV services to power gains across health, urges new report

With a modest increase in investment UNAIDS can get 35 countries over the line to end their AIDS pandemics by 2025

Expertise France partners with UNAIDS to fight HIV stigma and discrimination in western and central Africa

UNAIDS Executive Director: let women and girls lead to protect and advance human rights globally

UNAIDS launches new approach to ensure the long-term sustainability of the HIV response

Australian Government enters new partnership with UNAIDS to let communities lead in ending AIDS in Asia Pacific

Ahead of World AIDS Day UNAIDS is calling for urgent support to Let Communities Lead in the fight to end AIDS

A call to action to save SDG10: reduce inequalities

New report from UNAIDS shows that AIDS can be ended by 2030 and outlines the path to get there

Executive Director of UNAIDS receives prestigious award for activism

African ministers of finance join forces to highlight the importance of financial sustainability in the response to HIV

A Triple Dividend: Fully financing the HIV response in Africa

A Triple Dividend: Fully financing the HIV response in Africa

United Nations Under-Secretary-General calls on leaders to address the debt crisis that is crushing developing countries

United Nations Under-Secretary-General calls on leaders to address the debt crisis that is crushing developing countries

United Nations Under-Secretary-General calls on leaders to address the debt crisis that is crushing developing countries

UNAIDS welcomes the announcement that Spain will be making a new € 1 million contribution to UNAIDS

UNAIDS welcomes strong funding commitments from the United Kingdom and from Ireland

Australia and UNAIDS strengthen partnership to advance the end of AIDS

Governments step up to close the resource gap for UNAIDS work to end AIDS by 2030
Board members warned that the severe shortfall in UNAIDS operating budget risks prolonging the AIDS pandemic
Board members warned that the severe shortfall in UNAIDS operating budget risks prolonging the AIDS pandemic

UNAIDS warns that HIV, COVID and other health investments are in danger due to a looming debt crisis in Africa and the developing world

UNAIDS warns that HIV, COVID and other health investments are in danger due to a looming debt crisis in Africa and the developing world

UNAIDS applauds donors for pledging the largest amount ever to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

UNAIDS urges donors to fully fund the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria to get the HIV response back on track

Nigeria calls for a successful 7th Global Fund Replenishment

Statement by the UNAIDS Executive Director on the death of Queen Elizabeth II

UNAIDS commends Germany’s pledge of €1.3 billion for the 7th Global Fund Replenishment

UNAIDS welcomes the life-saving results of PEPFAR funding and programmes

Governments announce increased financial support to the global AIDS response

UNAIDS strengthens partnership with Germany and opens a new office in Bonn

On Zero Discrimination Day, Ireland and UNAIDS strengthen their partnership to end the AIDS pandemic

Investment case for the Global Fund's seventh replenishment technical briefing and discussion

Investments in HIV, health and pandemics are vital for economic recovery in Africa

UNAIDS Director of Innovation receives prestigious Social Innovators of the Year award
UNAIDS calls for greater and sustained funding commitments to support its work in leading global efforts to end AIDS by 2030

Funding the AIDS response and reforming health systems in western and central Africa