Gender equality


Женщины говорят во весь голос: О том, как женщины, живущие с ВИЧ, помогут миру победить СПИД.

11 de diciembre de 2012

Хотя женщины и составляют половину населения планеты, их положение нельзя назвать равноправным. Это особенно очевидно, когда речь заходит о ВИЧ. Половина всех людей, живущих с ВИЧ, – женщины, но многие из них не получают необходимой помощи или же не знают своего статуса. Несмотря на многочисленные свидетельства успехов, женщины по-прежнему сталкиваются с неравенством, которое препятствует полной реализации потенциала мер противодействия СПИДу.


El género y el VIH/SIDA

24 de septiembre de 1998

Los papeles de cada sexo y las relaciones que tienen entre sí influyen de forma significativa en el curso y el impacto de la epidemia de VIH/SIDA en cada región del mundo. El conocimiento de la influencia que tienen esos papeles y esas relaciones en la capacidad de las personas y las comunidades para protegerse a sí mismas contra el VIH y para hacer frente al impacto del SIDA con eficacia, es crucial para ampliar la respuesta a la epidemia.


Gender and HIV/AIDS: Taking stock of research and programmes

23 de marzo de 1999

This review examines research on gender as it relates to women’s and men’s different vulnerabilities to HIV infection, and their different abilities to access resources for care and support in order to cope with the impact of the epidemic. The paper also reviews programmatic responses that have sought to address gender-specific concerns and constraints in an attempt to contain the pandemic and alleviate its impact.


GCWA - Progress Report 2006

11 de junio de 2007

This report provides a broad overview of the major activities of the Global Coalition Secretariat and convening agencies over 2006. Its achievements, however, resonate beyond its own specific activities. The Global Coalition has helped shape the global advocacy agenda around women and AIDS and embed these messages and strategies in major global and regional policies. National coalitions on women and AIDS formed in countries ranging from Haiti to Nigeria and regional coalitions have also been formed in the Caribbean.


Women out loud: Cómo las mujeres que viven con el VIH ayudarán al mundo a poner fin al SIDA

11 de diciembre de 2012

Las mujeres probablemente representan la mitad de la población mundial, pero no lo disfrutan de manera equitativa. Esto es especialmente evidente en lo relacionado con el VIH. La mitad de las personas que viven con VIH son mujeres, sin embargo, muchas son marginadas o no saben de su condición. A pesar de los muchos éxitos que hemos visto, las mujeres todavía enfrentan desigualdades que evitan que la respuesta contra el SIDA alcance todo su potencial.


Remarks of Kathleen Cravero, Deputy Executive Director, UNAIDS at American Public Health Association Annual Conference, Washington, DC, November 9, 2004

24 de noviembre de 2004

The American Public Health Association has a long and distinguished tradition of linking health and human rights and I am honored to have the opportunity to address you all this morning.


"AIDS and gender equality: a time for new paradigms" - Speech by Michel Sidibé, UNAIDS Executive Director - Opening of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) 53rd Session, 2 March 2009

02 de marzo de 2009

It troubles me greatly to say that caring societies are in recession. We are bombarded with news and reports of increasingly terrible acts perpetuated on women. In South Africa according the Medical Research Council of Cape Town University, one in four women report being abused by an intimate partner – and every six hours a woman is killed. In the UK according to the British Crime Survey, a reported 80,000 women suffer rape every year2. Research from a number of countries confirms what seems common sense: there is a strong relationship between intimate partner violence and HIV status.

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