Regional consultations - UNAIDS 2016-2021 Strategy
All UNAIDS regional support teams will lead consultations in their regions, which will inform the global consultation in Geneva on 22 and 23 April. A discussion paper has been developed to serve as a starting point to commence discussions.
Asia and the Pacific
- Completed. 30 January; Bangkok, Thailand. This consultation took place in the framework of an intergovernmental meeting on AIDS convened by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, which brought together representatives of United Nations Member States, civil society, young people and Cosponsors.
Middle East and North Africa
- 11 March; Cairo, Egypt. This consultation, in partnership with the League of Arab States, will bring together representatives of United Nations Member States, civil society and governments.
- 16 March; Kingston, Jamaica. This event will bring together participants representing the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States, the judiciary, academia, the private sector, civil society, young people and Cosponsors.
Eastern and southern Africa
- 23 March; Johannesburg, South Africa.
Western and central Africa
- 1-3 April; Dakar, Senegal.
Eastern Europe and central Asia
- 6 April; Minsk, Belarus. UNAIDS will facilitate a regional consultation on the UNAIDS Strategy for partners in eastern Europe and central Asia, in partnership with the Government of Belarus (to be confirmed).
Latin America
- Week of the 23 February; Panama City, Panama. This consultation will engage Cosponsors and representatives of think tanks.
- 11–13 March; WebEx virtual consultation. The regional office will host an online consultation to engage government, civil society and regional and international stakeholders.
North America
- 13 March; Washington, DC, United States of America. The UNAIDS United States Liaison Office will convene a consultation with United States civil society and other key stakeholders from the policy and advocacy community.
- 18 March; New York, United States of America. The UNAIDS New York Office will convene a consultation to canvas inputs from a wide range of stakeholders.
Western Europe
- 26-27 March; Montreux, Switzerland.
Framing questions for the regional consultations
- How will developments—globally and in the region—affect the epidemic and response in the region, in countries and at the subnational level over the next six years?
- What achievements of the regional response should be expanded and built upon? Where are the main challenges and gaps? Who is being left behind and why?
- In order to reach the Fast-Track Targets, what should be the region’s strategic priorities in the response?
- What will need to change in support of those priorities? What are the “game changers” in terms of policy and law reform, funding, resource allocation, partnerships, service delivery, empowering civil society, science and innovation, and links with other health and development efforts?
- What are the most critical ways in which the Joint Programme can support efforts in the region to end the AIDS epidemic as a public health threat by 2030?