Defining the response to the AIDS epidemic in the Asia–Pacific region
The Asia–Pacific Intergovernmental Meeting on HIV and AIDS was held in Bangkok, Thailand. More than 250 representatives of governments, civil society and international organizations from across the region assessed progress on the response to the AIDS epidemic and considered challenges for the future. The prestigious Prince Mahidol Award Conference took place in Bangkok during the same week.
Thailand’s Mplus: HIV services delivered in style

13 декабря 2022 года.
Preventing transmission and tackling stigma: The power of U=U

12 декабря 2022 года.
Thailand hosts global HIV meeting this week, showcases AIDS response leadership

11 декабря 2022 года.
“My life’s mission is to end stigma and discrimination, and that starts with U = U”: a story of HIV activism in Thailand

01 мартаа 2022 года.
Key population-led organizations delivering health services in Bangkok

27 января 2020 года.
Empowering young people living with HIV to become agents of change in Thailand

23 января 2020 года.
Supporting communities to be involved in the AIDS response in Thailand

20 января 2020 года.
Turning the tide of the HIV epidemic in Thailand

17 января 2020 года.
Thailand launches new national strategy to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030

15 сентября 2017 года.