
Evaluation of UNAIDS Joint Programme Country Envelopes: 2018-2022 - Report

15 июня 2023 года.

The evaluation assessed the effectiveness of the Country Envelopes as a mechanism to allocate and disburse funds for the Joint Programme at the country level. It documented and analyzed results and explored alternative approaches for fund allocation. The evaluation revealed that while Country Envelope funding is crucial, there is room for improvement in decision-making and fund monitoring. Regular funding has played a significant role in keeping HIV a priority for the UN and promoting collaboration. However, it is necessary to prioritize and concentrate efforts on Global AIDS Strategy targets, while also striving for maximum efficiency, inclusion, and people-centred results at the country level. Related documents: Brief | Presentation (key findings and recommendations) | Country case studies: Andean countries | Côte d'Ivoire | India | Iran | Kyrgyzstan | Zambia | Management response | Management response 2024