Protect and Accelerate Progress Towards the End of AIDS: Ready, Set, Go!

With less than 10 years to go to reach our common goal of ending AIDS by 2030, UNAIDS has been tasked by the Programme Coordinating Board (PCB) to develop the next global AIDS strategy. The strategy will build on the significant gains already made and will accelerate the pace of action—it will be ambitious, visionary and evidence-informed.

The new global AIDS strategy will serve as a road map for the world to end AIDS as a public health threat by 2030, guiding key stakeholders to overcome the challenges and to ensure effective country-led AIDS responses. The new strategy, with new global targets for 2025 and resource needs estimates, will shape the next United Nations General Assembly High-Level Meeting on Ending AIDS and its political declaration.

The development of the next strategy will be data-driven and consultative, involving UNAIDS’ staff, the Cosponsors, civil society, people living with and affected by HIV, young people, faith institutions, ministers of health, finance and gender and parliamentarians, scientists, donors and the private sector.

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Phase 1, May–August 2020. Review the current strategy, its implementation and the results obtained and present update of progress to the PCB at its 46th meeting, scheduled for June 2020, options, processes and timelines for decision-making.

Virtual consultations, May-August 2020:

  • Quantitative surveys reaching stakeholders and participants.
  • Targeted qualitative interviews.
  • Focus group discussions (topics to be determined).

The virtual multistakeholder consultation for PCB members is now scheduled to take place at the latest in September 2020.

Phase 2, July 2020 to March 2021. Continue to consult, analyse and synthesize all inputs and produce the next strategy presentation of progress to the 47th PCB and a possible PCB special session in March 2021 for strategy adoption.

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Strategy process

The below maps the process between the UNAIDS Secretariat and Cosponsors, the UNAIDS Advisory Group and its working groups and the PCB. It is important to note that the strategy review and development will also be informed by other efforts, such as the 2025 target-setting and resource needs estimates, the evaluation of the United Nations system response, the Global Prevention Coalition, the Global AIDS Monitoring process and the Human Rights Reference Group. Other internal Secretariat work around the Management Action Plan and the response to the Joint Inspection Unit report will also be referenced.

We are committed to ensuring that the next strategy produces programmes and responses that work for the people who are currently unreached and left behind. As such, the global strategy review and development process must:

  • Be inclusive, participatory, interactive, multisectoral and multilevel in order to fully inspire inputs from everyone, particularly those whose voices are not often heard owing to stigma, marginalization and exclusion.
  • Be self-reflective and explore the successes, challenges and failures in the AIDS response and be reflective of the global health, human rights and development context beyond HIV.
  • Be innovative in how to explore partnerships and synergies with other health and development responses, while remaining focused on reaching the goal of ending AIDS by 2030 despite a challenging context.

As such, the stakeholder engagement process needs to ensure that:

  • We engage all communities meaningfully throughout the process. As much as we can, we commit to engage community members who are part of networks or organizations that represent their constituency, to ensure that we learn from the collective experience of those communities, but, moreover, to ensure the discussions in the strategy development consultations can be transmitted and shared with their peers and can affect action.
  • We hear from voices across all levels of the AIDS response, from the global level to the regional, national and local levels, where the communities we aim to reach access services, capturing the depth and breadth of positions and perspectives.
  • We recognize the barriers for the populations left behind to engage in political processes, and that their participation is necessary in order to develop an effective global AIDS strategy that upholds and protects human rights.
  • We commit to hear from communities that are marginalized and excluded, for example sex workers, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people, people who use drugs, people on the move, people with disabilities and other fragile communities.

There will be dialogue among diverse stakeholders to review:

  • The path from the beginning of the epidemic, celebrating and learning from successes but also recognizing and learning from challenges and failures.
  • The current global health, societal and development context, including the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact.
  • The strategic directions that the AIDS response can take to reach its goals and be situated in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
  • The principles, results and areas of action needed to deliver on the strategy’s strategic directions.

In selecting stakeholders for participation in all strategy consultation processes, the following criteria will be used:

  • Ensuring geographic balance.
  • Reach (global, regional, national and local).
  • Diversity of communities, with an effort to reach the communities left behind (e.g. people living with HIV, key populations, women, young people).
  • Gender equality.
  • Areas of expertise (e.g. health, human rights, development, economics).
  • Key partners in the AIDS response and key stakeholders in health and development.



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Global AIDS Strategy 2021-2026 — to be adopted by PCB on 24-25 March 2021
Annotated outline of the Global AIDS Strategy 2021–2026
Report of the UNAIDS Multistakeholder Consultation on next Global AIDS Strategy (Virtual meeting held on 16 September 2020)
UNAIDS Strategy Development Electronic Survey Report
Global AIDS Strategy Development Process: Synthesis of perspectives from a range of stakeholder interviews
Evidence review - Implementation of the 2016–2021 UNAIDS Strategy: on the Fast-Track to end AIDS
Concept Note: New Global AIDS Strategy Development
Strategy team: New Global AIDS Strategy Development
Illustrative list of indicators for measuring progress of the UNAIDS 2016–2021 Strategy
Focus groups reports
Youth Lead Y-Peer Youth Voices Count - Young Key Pops - UNAIDS and UNICEF
UNAIDS Advisory Breakout Group on AIDS Response Financing
UNAIDS Regional Support Team for Eastern and Southern Africa (RST ESA) and Africa Sex Workers Alliance (ASWA) - Sex workers, a community left behind in the HIV response, left behind in humanitarian crises responses. Can we break the cycle?
Spotlight on Data: sub-group of the UNAIDS Advisory Group on Science
UNAIDS RST Asia Pacific - CSOs - Strategic Direction for AP
UCO Cambodia and partners - Prevention and SRH services for Young Key Populations
UNAIDS RST Asia Pacific - Strategic Directions for AP
HIV Outcomes Europe - the 4th 90 quality of life
Report of the UNAIDS Advisory Group on key populations
UCO Armenia - Prioritization of strategic areas and innovative approaches to reach 2030 targets in Armenia
UNICEF WHO UNAIDS - HSS FGD Recommendations and considerations
Eurasian Union of Adolescents and Youth Organizations Teenegizer_Adolescent - Young People and HIV in EECA
Young UN - Youth Engagement
RST MENA and partners - Community mobilization, gender and human rights
UNAIDS RST MENA - Community mobilization, gender and human rights
UCO Djibouti - Improving access to services
Malawi CSO Advocacy Forum - HIV in Humanitarian Settings
NSWP - Sex work and HIV
WFP ILO UNAIDS Secretariat - HIV-sensitive social protection
RST MENA - HIV services in humanitarian settings that leaver no one behind
IATT on HIV and Humanitarian Emergencies - WFP, UNAIDS, UNHCR - HIV Response in Humanitarian Settings
UNAIDS Philippines - Community engagement in the country response to HIV (Key populations)
UCO Sudan and partners - Access to treatment-leaving no one behind
MPact and partners - Gay and Bisexual Men in the Global HIV Response
UCO Kenya and NACC - Adolescent and Young People
Robert Carr Fund - Investing in Civil Society Networks as key to addressing gaps in HIV response among inadequately served populations
RST LAC and RENPO - Indigenous Populations
UCO Kenya and KHF - Private Sector
The PACT and UNAIDS Secretariat - Young People and HIV
UNAIDS Caribbean - Caribbean lens discussion with stakeholders
Frontline AIDS - Sustaining community-led responses
EGPAF PATA Aidsfonds - Towards transformative and disruptive action to accelerate efforts to end HIV in children
Grupo de Cooperación Técnica Horizontal - Response to HIV in LAC
Frontline AIDS - Addressing violence and human rights
UCO Kenya and CASCOs
UNAIDS Caribbean - Perspectives from young people living with HIV who are involved in peer care and support
Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network and International Indigenous Working group on HIV - Indigenous Peoples
GNP+ / ICW / Y+ Global - People Living with HIV and Health Services
Plataforma LAC - Communities
Aidsfonds / Frontline AIDS - Decriminalization HIV non-disclosure, exposure and transmission; Sex work; Same-sex sexual relations; Drug use or possession; Nonconforming gender identities; And lowering the age of consent
UCO Kenya and FSWG - Faith response
UCO Kenya and KANCO - heads of NGOs
HIV Prevention and Control for Adolescents serving as a resource in the continuing of UNAIDS Strategy Development.
UAG breakout group - Science Strategic Information and Innovation
INPUD - People who use drugs
UCO Kenya and KP Consortium - Key populations
Frontline AIDS - HIV Prevention
UNAIDS Phillippines - Country-level implementation to achieve Fast Track Targets
Frontline AIDS - HIV Innovation
International Community of Women Living with HIV - Gender Equality/Priorities for the HIV Response
20200817_ICW.pdf (214.54 KB)
ATHENA - HIV prevention for AGYW who are most left behind , most criminalized and most discriminated
UCO India - Recommendations for next Global AIDS Strategy
UCO Benin - Health and community system strengthening and legal environment improvement
UCO Kenya and DPHK - Progress in Fast Track
UCO Jamaica - Recommendations on next Global AIDS Strategy
UCO Kenya and UN Joint Team Kenya
Academic Consortium of the UNAIDS/PEPFAR Faith Initiative - Maximizing the Contributions of Faith Partners: Where We’ve Been and Where We Can Do Better
20200811_Faith.pdf (134.46 KB)
APN+ and RST Bangkok - overall recommendations for AIDS response
Red Somos, Dialogo Diverso, Aid for AIDS (LAC) - HIV in humanitarian settings (Spanish)
Red Somos, Dialogo Diverso, Aid for AIDS (LAC) - HIV in humanitarian settings (English)
Disability and HIV
UNAIDS Human Rights Reference Group - HIV and Human Rights
RST LAC - Staff discussion (Spanish)
RST LAC - Staff discussion (English)
ATHENA - HIV prevention for AGYW who are most left behind, most criminalized and most discriminated
UCO Benin - Public health sector discussion
Eastern Europe and central Asia - Meaningful participation of organizations of communities of key populations in the formation and implementation of national and global policies, strategies, and programs of the HIV response
Harm Reduction International - Achieving sustainable funding for harm reduction
20200730_HRI.pdf (176.77 KB)
UNODC - HIV in prisons
UCO Benin - civil society
Women4GlobalFund - Defining a Global AIDS Strategy that upholds rights through a women centred approach
MPact - Gay and Bisexual Men in the Global HIV Response
UCOs Algeria Morocco Tunisia - Accelerating combination prevention for key and vulnerable populations
CAPRISA - Progress, Challenges and Opportunities: Adolescent Girls and young women in all their diversity
UNAIDS Advisory Group - AGYW

For more information please contact:

Krittayawan (Tina) Boonto, Coordinator Strategy Development at boontok[at]

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