UNAIDS and the hotel InterContinental Genève launch a new campaign to ensure all children are born HIV-free

Chairman of Hanergy Holding Group stresses China’s private sector role in the AIDS response

Hotel InterContinental Genève and UNAIDS join forces

Chinese business leaders committed to the HIV response

Ahead of World AIDS Day CEOs call to end HIV travel restrictions

New reports show slight growth in philanthropic funding for AIDS–More robust response needed

Influential leaders champion the role of the private sector in challenging HIV and global health threats

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon leads a high-level mission to India in support of the Every Woman Every Child initiative

UNAIDS joins hands with Standard Bank to “Get to Zero”
UNAIDS welcomes new (RED) CEO Deborah Dugan

Global Business Coalition 10th anniversary conference: Business driving change for a healthier world

Business boost for Nepal’s AIDS response

Business sector can play key role in the AIDS response in Africa

Investment in health is an investment in economic development

North Star Alliance road show highlights work of its network of mobile clinics along transport corridors in Africa

UN Private Sector Forum convenes to fast track the MDGs

UNAIDS and Private sector meet to explore collaboration towards virtual elimination of mother-to-child transmission

New UN-business website to bring about private sector partnerships

Business coalitions on AIDS strengthen the private sector response to AIDS in Asia

Private sector in West and Central Africa explore strategic partnerships for improved health outcomes

Nigeria launches postal service campaign for HIV awareness

New initiative to train India’s people living with HIV on AIDS advocacy in the workplace

Public-private partnerships strengthen health systems and AIDS response

Coalition of global business gathers to turn knowledge into action on AIDS

Collaboration between TB Alliance and Tibotec offers hope of accelerated tuberculosis drug development

Strengthening partnership with the Global Business Coalition

Public and private sector partnerships in the AIDS response: An opportunity for innovation and leadership

ICASA 2008: Improving national private sector HIV responses

ICASA 2008: Free condoms in hotels as part of HIV prevention initiative

The impact of nutrition and HIV: World Food Programme

Translating intent into action in Ethiopia

Building on experience to scale up HIV services

Business coalitions from Latin America and the Caribbean gather in Brazil

UN Secretary-General convenes pharmaceutical companies in New York

The Life Initiative – Hotels addressing AIDS

International labour standard would strengthen the HIV response in the workplace

Standard Chartered Bank world leader in workplace HIV education
UNAIDS mourns the death of prominent AIDS activist Wellington Solomon Adderly

Report finds that Business Coalitions are helping one million companies tackle AIDS in the workplace
Business Coalitions: a joint response to AIDS

Business and the AIDS response

Business and AIDS

AIDS: everybody’s business

UNAIDS and Indian business giant to link up for AIDS

Third Asia Pacific Ministerial Meeting on HIV/AIDS

Grameenphone telecommunications joins forces with UNAIDS

Haiti: UNAIDS strengthening partnerships to ‘make the money work’
UNAIDS welcomes new public-private partnership

Getting involved is good for business
How business could succeed in scaling up the business response to AIDS in Africa