Secretary-General of the United Nations
António Guterres

United Nations General Assembly debate highlights the need for urgent action to ensure that progress in the HIV response is accelerated and sustained

UN Secretary-General's message on World AIDS Day 2023

One year into the bold new strategy on HIV/AIDS, it is vital to speed up progress, say UN Member States

United Nations Secretary-General calls for a greater focus on ending inequalities to end AIDS

Galvanizing global ambition to end the AIDS epidemic after a decade of progress

United Nations Member States stress that critical efforts must be scaled up to end AIDS

Report of the United Nations Secretary-General

Every woman and every child healthy and empowered

UNAIDS hosts World AIDS Day event and honours the UN Secretary-General for his remarkable contributions to the AIDS response

UNAIDS presents UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon with leadership award for his commitment to the response to HIV

New report shows that urgent action is needed to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030

The United Nations turns 70

Daily Development book is launched

United Nations calls for end of violence and discrimination against LGBTI people

UNAIDS welcomes adoption of new United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

The world meets to adopt the Sustainable Development Goals

The sixty-ninth session of the General Assembly calls for shared responsibility and global solidarity to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030

The world meets to discuss disaster risk reduction at high-level UN conference

African leaders reaffirm commitment to the AIDS response and women’s empowerment

UNAIDS and UNWTO ST-EP Foundation release a unique new book on HIV for children

2024 Report of the UN Secretary-General on the Implementation of the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and the political declarations on HIV/AIDS (Seventy-eighth session of the General Assembly) A/78/883
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2023 Report of the UN Secretary-General on the Implementation of the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and the political declarations on HIV/AIDS (Seventy-seventh session of the General Assembly) A/77/877
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2022 Report of the UN Secretary-General on the Implementation of the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and the political declarations on HIV/AIDS (Seventy-sixth session of the General Assembly) A/76/783
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Report of the UN Secretary-General on the Implementation of the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and the political declarations on HIV/AIDS (Seventy-fifth session of the General Assembly) 31 March 2021 - A/75/836
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Report of the UN Secretary-General on the Implementation of the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and the political declarations on HIV/AIDS (Seventy-fourth session of the General Assembly) 1 April 2020 - A/74/778
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Report of the UN Secretary-General on the Implementation of the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and the political declarations on HIV/AIDS (Seventy-third session of the General Assembly) 2 April 2019 - A/73/824
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Taking stock, marking progress - United Nations General Assembly meeting: Implementation of the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and the Political Declarations on HIV/AIDS
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Report of the UN Secretary-General on the Implementation of the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and the political declarations on HIV/AIDS (72nd session of the General Assembly)
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Reinvigorating the AIDS response to catalyse sustainable development and United Nations reform
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Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS: On the Fast Track to Accelerating the Fight against HIV and to Ending the AIDS Epidemic by 2030
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