Provisional agenda (en | fr) Agenda items include: reports from the UNAIDS Executive Director, Cosponsoring Organizations and the NGO representative; the UNAIDS Unified Workplan and budget for 2000/2001; a Financial and Budgetary Update; International Partnership against AIDS in Africa; UNAIDS and UN response at country level; and prioritization of support by the UNAIDS Secretariat.
Decisions, recommendations and conclusions (en | fr) The Secretariat and Cosponsors should identify strategies to make health care systems more HIV/AIDS responsive, including improved care and treatment. The PCB approved the UNAIDS 2000-2001 unified budget and workplan; and called for cost estimates on responding to HIV/AIDS in Africa, a related resource mobilization strategy, and a timetable for implementing the IPAA.
Provisional agenda item 5.2: financial and budgetary matters - UNAIDS operating reserve fund (en | fr) Updates action taken by UNAIDS on PCB’s 1998 recommendations; trends in income; use of the Fund; and a summary and recommendations. The Fund ensures continuity of UNAIDS biennial budget and workplan operations pending receipt of contributions. It helps mitigate the impact of receiving voluntary contributions late in the year, providing UNAIDS with financial sustainability.
Provisional agenda item 7.1: prioritization of UNAIDS Secretariat Resources for country activities (en | fr) The UNAIDS Secretariat has refined and started implementing the model for prioritizing its country activity resources. Guided by UNAIDS’ roles and strategic objectives, the process centres on needs-based and opportunity-driven criteria. Greater weight is attached to needs-based criteria: the epidemic’s epidemiological status, estimated vulnerable population size and the need for additional financial and technical resources.
Provisional agenda item 6: the International Partnership Against AIDS in Africa: a progress report (en | fr) The report outlines: action plan consultations with African leaders, donors, and UN organizations; the creation of a UNAIDS Partnership Task Team; and Cosponsor action plan development. UNAIDS requests: the PCB endorse the Partnership’s concept and principles; support related intensified Cosponsor and Secretariat efforts; and encourage stronger national government African AIDS responses within the Partnership framework
Item 5.1: financial and budgetary update. Interim financial management information on 1998-1999 biennium : funds available and obligations incurred, 1 January 1998 to 30 April 1999 (en | fr) Outlines contributions received from 1 January 1998 to 30 April 1999, from governments, Cosponsors and other income, for the 1998-1999 UNAIDS core budget which totalled US$ 89,392,253. Of that amount, US$ 66,216,139 are funds received specifically for the 1998-1999 biennium and US$ 23,176,114 are outstanding contributions for 1997 received after closure of the 1996-1997 financial period.
Report of the eighth meeting of the Programme Coordinating Board of UNAIDS, Geneva, 28-29 June 1999 (en | fr) The PCB considered reports from the UNAIDS Executive Director, Cosponsoring Organizations and the NGO representative; approved UNAIDS 2000/2001 Unified Workplan and budget; received a financial and budgetary update; discussed the International Partnership against AIDS in Africa, as well as the UN and UNAIDS HIV/AIDS response at country level.
Provisional agenda item 3: report of the Executive Director (en | fr) UNAIDS and all involved partners are rationalizing priorities and harmonizing efforts to provide more support to most affected countries. Future challenges: applying lessons learned from countries which have slowed HIV spread; increased harmonization of prevention, care and impact alleviation; mobilizing all available untapped resources to fight HIV/AIDS; and developing more effective tools and insights.