11th PCB Meeting, May-June 2001

  • Provisional agenda (en | fr)
    The agenda covers election of the officers, consideration of ninth and tenth meeting reports, reports by the UNAIDS Executive Director, Committee of Cosponsoring Organizations, and the NGO Representative, as well as the UN System Strategic Plan on HIV/AIDS 2001-2005, the UNAIDS Unified Budget and Workplan 2002-2003, a financial and budgetary update, and progress reports.
  • Five-year evaluation of UNAIDS. Programme Coordinating Board meeting, 30 May–1 June 2001: progress report from the Evaluation Supervisory Panel (ESP) chair (23 April 2001) (en | fr)
    The Chair reported that the Five-Year Evaluation of UNAIDS was underway. Drawing on the expertise and experience within evaluation agencies, offices and departments around the world, the Panel had established appropriate mechanisms for managing the evaluation.
  • Report on the follow-up to the UNAIDS Financing Study (en | fr)
    Outlines the actions UNAIDS has taken in the wake of this report to shore up donor funding including financial meetings and briefings with donors, efforts to increase donor activities at country level, and creation of a new Partnership Unit to pursue funding from private sector firms and foundations.
  • Decisions, recommendations and conclusions (en | fr
    Catalogues all decisions made at the Meeting including, among other things, recommending that challenges identified in the UNAIDS Executive Director’s report be regarded as a foundation for an intensified, more effective and coordinated response by UNAIDS over the next biennium; a response that will have a greater impact on the epidemic.
  • Provisional agenda item 4.1: interim financial management information for the 2000-2001 biennium - 1 January 2000 to 31 March 2001 - (unaudited) (en | fr)
    Reports on contributions received from governments, Cosponsors and other income The PCB is to take note of the interim financial information on the 2000-2001 financial status and to encourage donor governments and other partners who have not yet done so, to release their 2001 contributions towards the Unified Budget and Workplan for 2000-2001.
  • Report of the eleventh meeting of the Programme Coordinating Board of UNAIDS, Geneva, 30 May–1 June 2001 (en | fr)
    Reports on the proceedings of the eleventh PCB meeting, including the election of the officers, reports by the UNAIDS Executive Director, the Chairperson of the Committee of Cosponsoring Organizations, and the NGO Representative, as well as the UN System Strategic Plan on HIV/AIDS 2001-2005, the UNAIDS Unified Budget and Workplan 2002-2003, a financial and budgetary update, and progress reports.
  • Provisional agenda item 2: UN system strategic plan for HIV/AIDS – 2001 to 2005 (en | fr)
    The Plan identifies key UN system functions that support national HIV/AIDS efforts and describes participating UN system organization priorities in achieving a coordinated UN response. Its strategic objectives link individual UN organizations’ work with the overall UN objective of providing leadership and adding value to national government and partner efforts to achieve agreed goals.
  • Provisional agenda item 3: UNAIDS Unified Budget and Workplan 2002-2003 (en | fr
    The Workplan includes all global and regional level HIV/AIDS-related activities of the Cosponsors and the Secretariat, support to the UN Resident Coordinator system in countries through Country Programme Advisers and Programme Acceleration Funds, and Cosponsor estimates of their expenditures from regular budgets/general resources for activities at global, regional and country level.
  • Provisional agenda item 1.4: report by the Executive Director (en | fr)
    The Report describes major developments concerning the epidemic and key aspects of the UN system response during the two-year period May 1999 to April 2001. The Report demonstrates clearly the seriousness with which HIV/AIDS is now regarded, and the intensification of the work of individual UNAIDS Cosponsors and the Secretariat.