Joint UN statement calling for sexual and reproductive health and rights...
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Girls’ education for HIV prevention at 1st Pan-African Conference on Girls...
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UNAIDS urges sub-Saharan African countries and global partners to ensure...
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Invest in women and girls’ education and health rights to end AIDS in...
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At the 68th Commission on Status of Women UNAIDS calls for action to...
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Supporting women and girls affected by gang violence in Haiti
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Young role models combat HIV stigma in Central Asia
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United for ending cervical cancer, HIV and inequities for women and girls
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New global alliance launched to end AIDS in children by 2030
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It is time to end AIDS in children once and for all: Global Alliance...
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UNAIDS welcomes the appointment of Catherine Russell as the new Executive...
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Botswana is first country with severe HIV epidemic to reach key milestone...
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New report reveals stark inequalities in access to HIV prevention and...
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Digital HIV education for Jamaican young people during COVID-19 and beyond
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Joint statement calling for urgent country scale-up of access to optimal...
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COVID-19 pandemic: countries urged to take stronger action to stop spread...
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UNAIDS calls for urgent action to strengthen social protection programmes...
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UNAIDS and the wider United Nations system supporting the COVID-19...
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Despite great progress since the early days, the HIV response is still...
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Treating HIV-positive children with speed and skill
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Confronting the link between HIV and gender-based violence in Jamaica
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Empowering young Brazilians to talk to their peers about HIV
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Global health organizations commit to new ways of working together for...
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Youth voices count and safe spaces do too
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Progress, but still miles to go, to increase HIV prevention and treatment...
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Heads of H6 agencies embrace new results framework
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A united rallying cry: Time to make health care systems more flexible and...
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H6 commits to accelerate results for health
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UNAIDS welcomes appointment of Henrietta Holsman Fore as Executive...
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Early infant diagnosis of HIV: changing lives for mothers and infants
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In Mozambique, five adolescent and young girls receive a special award on...
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West and Central Africa left behind in global HIV response
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Supporting efforts to end child marriage in Latin America and the Caribbean
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Malawi tests first unmanned aerial vehicle flights for early diagnosis of...
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Striving for greater collaboration across health and education in new...
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Multimedia campaign motivates young people to know their HIV status
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UNICEF: Millions of children around the globe still left behind
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New formulation of HIV treatment to save more children’s lives -- UNICEF...
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A Journey of Motherhood
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Cricketers team up to support efforts to end the AIDS epidemic
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To end the AIDS epidemic, start focusing on adolescents
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Eliminating poverty and inequality and ending the AIDS epidemic
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A long walk to an AIDS-free generation
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All In for adolescents
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Innovation: a force for change for disadvantaged children around the globe
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A generation born free of HIV—a goal within reach in the Russian Federation
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World leaders unite towards ending the AIDS epidemic among adolescents
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Young Nigerians call for youth-friendly services in post-2015 agenda
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Giant agriculture show in Zambia breaks new ground with HIV prevention...
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UNAIDS and partners launch initiative to improve HIV diagnostics
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UNICEF and Katy Perry launch video against stigma and discrimination
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UNICEF and Katy Perry launch video against stigma and discrimination
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All In: ending the epidemic among adolescents
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All In: ending the epidemic among adolescents
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Global Partners Forum: a holistic approach needed to keep children and...
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Global Partners Forum: a holistic approach needed to keep children and...
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Mother’s Day – Hope for mothers and children affected by HIV
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Cricket heroes Think Wise about HIV
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Experts call for accelerating progress towards universal HIV treatment...
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Adolescents living with HIV in Uzbekistan show their peers the way to a...
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UNAIDS and the hotel InterContinental Genève launch a new campaign to...
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More than 850,000 infants saved from HIV since 2005, but alarming trends...
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Hotel InterContinental Genève and UNAIDS join forces
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Women’s health communities critical to reducing maternal and child...
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Building momentum to stop new HIV infections among children and keep their...
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Around 10 million people living with HIV now have access to antiretroviral...
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Champions Trophy final shines light on THINK WISE HIV awareness campaign
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International cricketers team up to ‘THINK WISE’ about HIV prevention
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UNICEF report urges to see the child before the disability
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United Nations agencies meet with President and government officials of...
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UNAIDS and UNICEF welcome news of a baby born with HIV who now as a...
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Eliminating new HIV infections among children and keeping their mothers...
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Gaming for HIV prevention: a public-private partnership in Gabon
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Young people living with HIV in Latin America make their voices heard
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Cricket players go out to bat for HIV awareness at ICC WT20
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Cricket and HIV campaign hits the road aboard the “Let’s talk” bus in Sri...
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UNICEF report: AIDS remains a leading cause of under-five deaths despite...
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Award-winning youth drama Shuga: Love, Sex, Money to reach new audiences...
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United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon leads a high-level mission to...
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Landmark report on HIV among Zambia’s young people highlights challenges...
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UNICEF: Children in cities facing neglect
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NewGen Asia: Helping young leaders find their voice
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Eliminating new paediatric HIV infections and congenital syphilis in Asia-...
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‘Young People We Care' volunteers assist vulnerable households in Zimbabwe
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Young people in the AIDS response: Taking the lead
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The Missing Face of Children and AIDS: Progress on Ten Years of Commitments
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UNAIDS International Goodwill Ambassador HRH Mette-Marit of Norway...
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Global Partners Forum on children affected by HIV: Time to turn...
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Japan hosts follow-up meeting to discuss outcomes of MDGs Summit 2010
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2 500 young people newly infected with HIV every day, according to...
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G8 Summit: Mrs Carla Bruni-Sarkozy hosts spouse event on the protection of...
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A national campaign aims to increase Namibian men's involvement in HIV...
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New framework to eliminate transmission of HIV from mothers to their babies
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Cricket star Sangakkara tells Sri Lankan young people to be aware, open...
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Hitting HIV for six: Star cricketers unite with people living with HIV in...
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Bangladesh gives the 2011 Cricket World Cup an HIV awareness spin
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UNICEF: Lack of attention to needs of young people has damaging social,...
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Health 8 group meet to discuss maximizing health outcomes with available...
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“Get the Facts, protect yourself”: World-class cricketers champion HIV...
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UNICEF Executive Director launches innovative approach to prevent mother-...
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