HIV Epidemic in Mozambique and US Government Contribution (PEPFAR)

PEPFAR, Global Fund and UNAIDS leaders visit Mozambique in support of a sustainable HIV/AIDS response

Inequalities at the heart of uneven progress in the AIDS response

UNAIDS celebrates the life of Mozambican AIDS activist Tauzene Murgo

Mozambique: helping people living with HIV to get back on treatment
In Mozambique, five adolescent and young girls receive a special award on World AIDS Day for winning the SMS BIZ/U-Report Girl-to-Girl competition

Mozambique reinforces its commitment towards ending AIDS

Mozambique: stepping up to Fast-Track its AIDS response
Mozambique to step up its response to HIV

Success with PrEP: next steps to support policy decisions in southern and eastern Africa

Africa Rising: leaders meet to discuss sustainable development that leaves no one behind

President of Mozambique engages on HIV

First Lady of Mozambique appointed as Patron of the Global Plan

UNAIDS Goodwill Ambassador Naomi Watts advocates for an HIV-free generation

Progress in Mozambique's HIV response, but more focus needed on HIV prevention

Give AIDS the Red Card initiative launched at All-Africa Games in Mozambique

UNAIDS Executive Director commends the Government of Mozambique for its action on the 2011 Political Declaration on AIDS

Friends of UN Plus in Swaziland, Mozambique

“Champions for an HIV-free generation” visit Mozambique

Strengthening the AIDS response in Portuguese speaking countries

Breaking the silence in Mozambique
Mozambique makes advances in fight against AIDS, but significant challenges remain
Faith-based organizations in Mozambique rise to the AIDS challenge
Flemish Government and UN launch women and AIDS programme in Mozambique
Mozambique makes advances in fight against AIDS, but significant challenges remain