Health systems strengthening


Task Shifting - Global Recommendations and Guidelines

31 December 2007

‘Task shifting’ is the name given to a process of delegation whereby tasks are moved, where appropriate, to less specialized health workers. These recommendations and guidelines on task shifting, produced by WHO with the US President Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and the Joint United Nations Programme on AIDS (UNAIDS), provide a framework that is informed by all we now know about the ways in which accessto health services can be extended to all people in a way that is effective and sustainable.


Global Tuberculosis Control 2008

17 March 2008

Annual report published by the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Tuberculosis Control 2008. This year's report shows that nearly 3/4 million people living with HIV fell ill with TB disease in 2006, confirming that TB is a major cause of illness and death in people living with HIV despite being mostly preventable and curable. Africa is yet again the most heavily affected continent, with 85% of the global burden of HIV-related TB.


Safe, Voluntary, Informed Male Circumcision and Comprehensive HIV Prevention Programming Guidance for decision-makers on human rights, ethical and legal consideration

27 March 2008

Given that it reduces a man's risk of acquisition of HIV through penile-vaginal intercourse, male circumcision provides an opportunity to reinforce HIV prevention efforts and thereby promote human rights. A human rights-based approach to introducing or expanding male circumcision services requires measures to ensure that the procedure can be carried out safely, under conditions of informed consent, and without discrimination.


Towards universal access to prevention, care and treatment - Investing in faster national responses to HIV in West and Central Africa

30 December 2008

The purpose of this document is to provide practical documentation on regional needs and explain the work of UNAIDS in the various countries.


Joint Action for Results UNAIDS Outcome Framework 2009–2011

25 June 2009

The global response to the HIV epidemic is at a crossroads. The emergency footing of the response over the past 25 years and the broad social mobilization of stakeholders have spearheaded remarkable action and results. Yet the hard-won gains are fragile and call for a renewed commitment and leadership by the United Nations system. Our joint efforts have produced encouraging results, but many challenges lie ahead.


Address by Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of UNAIDS to 59th session of the WHO Regional Committee for Africa

01 September 2009

If there is one lesson that this experience has taught me—it is the overriding need to strengthen health systems across our continent. It is my hope and aspiration, that the AIDS response will help lead the way.


Building HIV-NCD connections for healthy women and girls: First Ladies’ side event at the UN High Level meeting on Non-communicable disease

19 September 2011

The lessons we have learned from 30 years of responding to AIDS can be readily applied to pushing the NCD agenda forward. If the women leaders assembled here today can mobilize the same energy, commitment and perseverance that you have demonstrated in the AIDS response, then we will deliver life-changing results for women, girls and the future of NCDs.

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