Human rights


Jurists, Justice and AIDS

14 December 2009

Distinguished jurists, friends and colleagues, I am extremely honoured to be here today. I appreciate the valuable time you have carved out from your demanding schedules to discuss the role of the judiciary in the HIV epidemic. This is a testament to your deep commitment to confronting this major challenge of our time.


"Why we need harm reduction to reach universal access goals" - Speech by Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of UNAIDS, 28 January 2009.

28 January 2009

I am deeply honored and privileged to join you for this important meeting for three reasons: First, we are witnessing a revolution in practice—a revolution which brings altogether users and ex-users, human rights advocates, public health practitioners and of course those who have the financial resources to make a difference—to address a pressing problem for which there are straight-forward evidence-informed solutions.


Beautiful Music: Bringing Africa’s Drug Regulations in Harmony with Human Health

19 February 2010

Speech delivered by the Executive Director at the Special Meeting of an Extended Technical Committee on the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Plan for Africa in Pretoria, South Africa and presents his vision of a single African Drug Regulatory Agency


Speech by UNAIDS Executive Director: Pragmatism vs. Punishment: The Case for Harm Reduction

10 March 2010

In much of the world, the HIV epidemic among drug users is long-standing. But in some places it is newly emerging. In East Africa, HIV transmission due to drug use is rising. In Eastern Europe and Central Asia we are seeing a new upturn in infections in some countries of the region―a new generation of drug injectors is going through the same pattern of HIV spread as the previous generation. We must focus our efforts on stopping this chain of transmission. Above all, that means making it safer for those who are use drugs. This is harm reduction, and it is an effective and important form of HIV prevention and a key component of our pledge for Universal Access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support.


Launch of the Agenda for Accelerating Country Action on Women, Girls, Gender Equality and HIV

18 October 2010

Like your diamonds, they are precious. And like diamonds, they are unbelievably strong. They are the solid centre of human life—of families, of communities, of care—the places where AIDS is most effectively challenged. And like Liberia’s diamonds, they bring pride to this country, and they deserve to be free.


Speech by UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé on the occasion of the High-Level Segment of the 22nd Session of the UN Human Rights Council, Geneva, 28 February 2013

28 February 2013

It was people living with HIV, those affected, who turned everything around in this epidemic. They made the response to HIV and AIDS a responsibility for us all. They challenged us to recognize them as people with a human right to live in health – not as victims or criminals. Over the years, they have inspired and driven progress in the AIDS response. They have been true human rights defenders - fighting for their lives and for the lives of millions of others.


Now more than ever: Targeting zero human rights violations of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) people in Africa

06 December 2013

Africa is changing! This change is visible in economics and in the increasing world interest for doing business in Africa. But the winds of change on our continent also blow on culture and society. The fact that we are all here today, calling for “zero human rights violations for LGBT people in Africa” is another illustration of this change. This change is not given. It is the fruit of the struggles and activism of many in this room and across the continent.

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