Feature Story

Ukraine: government to fund publicly procured HIV services

18 June 2019

Ukraine has announced that it is to allocate $16 million to the country’s AIDS response for 2019-20, which will sustain and expand HIV prevention and support services for key populations as well as care and support services for people living with HIV.

The procurement of HIV services for key populations and people living with HIV from suppliers, including non-governmental organizations, will be managed by the Ministry of Health’s Centre for Public Health, using public procurement procedures. The new process will begin in July.

The move is an important part of Ukraine’s transition from donor funding to a nationally funded AIDS response.  

"Ukraine has taken an important step towards moving from international funding to a nationally coordinated policy and ownership,” said Vladimir Kurpita, director of the Centre for Public Health at the Ministry of Health.

The list of services covered by the new policy includes targeted HIV information services and consultations, harm reduction programmes, including needle exchange and distribution, the distribution of condoms and lubricants, HIV testing and screening for tuberculosis. Key populations prioritized include gay men and other men who have sex with men, sex workers, and people who inject drugs. HIV care and support services include strengthening treatment adherence and retention under medical supervision and the involvement of partners of people living with HIV in health care services.

Mr Kurpita promised a smooth transition and said that the government would procure quality-assured services from local non-governmental organizations with the relevant experience and capacity to deliver.

“Nobody who was reached through prevention, support and care services that were funded by external donors should ever be cut off from the transition to government support,” he said.

The head of the All Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV, 100% Life, Dima Sherembey, encouraged everyone to engage in the process.

"If you are an NGO service provider, engage in bidding; if you are a representative of the donor community in Ukraine, motivate your partners and subcontractors on the ground; and if you have resources and knowledge, provide technical support and assistance to bidders so that they can be successful recipients and implementers of this important wave of government funding,” he said.

UNAIDS country director Roman Gailevich welcomed Ukraine’s commitment to increase domestic funding for the AIDS response.

“We are entering a new era of the national response to HIV in Ukraine,” he said. “We hope Ukraine will not only show that this new model of procurement of HIV services is viable, but that it will also serve as an example to other countries in the region.”


Remembering AIDS activist Iryna Borushek

26 November 2018

Iryna Borushek recently passed away in Kyiv, Ukraine, after a long illness. With her passing, the international AIDS community has lost one of the strongest and most dedicated activists and leaders.

One of the highlights of my career in the AIDS response and my work with UNAIDS has been the honour to know and work with Ms Borushek.

For the past 20 years, she was one of the most articulate and passionate civil society activists, advancing the national AIDS response in Ukraine and inspiring AIDS responses across eastern Europe and central Asia.

Beginning in the late 1990s, Ms Borushek was one of the earliest activists who defended the rights of people living with HIV at a time when an HIV-positive diagnosis was tantamount to a death sentence. People living with HIV were just beginning to learn about access to treatment, and Ms Borushek was among only a few people in the region who openly disclosed their HIV status.

For Ms Borushek and other early activists, those years were very challenging. It required incredible bravery, faith in one’s strength and a fierce optimism that speaking up and acting up will save lives and change the future. Ms Borushek had all of those qualities and thankfully she demanded all of us to demonstrate at least some of those same qualities every day.

In 2001, she helped to found the All-Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV. Thanks to her tireless energy and commitment to community activism, the All-Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV is now one of the most powerful civil society organizations, not only in Ukraine, but globally.

Throughout her career she continued her studies, first at the Odesa University of Economics, then at the Socium School, as well as through study opportunities and internships in Poland, Germany and the United States of America on how to implement evidence-informed programmes for substitution therapy, health systems strengthening and support for people living with HIV, in particularly for injecting drug users.

Ms Borushek was recognized as one of the brightest activists in this new area, uniting civil society leadership with governance and the urgent, life-saving scale-up of antiretroviral therapy.

Ms Borushek quickly became an international symbol of Ukraine’s bold HIV activism. Together with Vladimir Zhovtyak, she participated in the first United Nations General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS, in June 2001. In subsequent years, she took a leadership role in many international AIDS forums. As a member of the eastern Europe and central Asia delegation to the board of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria from 2004 to 2009, she supported and advocated for the Global Fund’s first grants to eastern Europe and central Asia.

Ms Borushek’s professional focus was devoted to the establishment of a new, people-centred strategy on HIV in Ukraine, the roll-out of national programmes for antiretroviral therapy and substitution therapy and HIV care and support programmes implemented by the All-Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV and its partners in Ukraine. Every day, Ms Borushek insisted that people living with HIV should not only be fully represented in the decision-making process, but also be engaged in the implementation of programmes and services.

In 2007, she was presented with an award for leadership, partnership and commitment to the national response to HIV in Ukraine. In 2007, Ms Borushek also received an award for international women’s leadership in the response to HIV at the International Women's Summit in Nairobi, Kenya.

I will always remember as her as one of the most passionate activists who always found the time to be a precious friend. Her vision and energy continue to live on in her daughter and granddaughter, in her friends and colleagues across the world and, of course, in the principles and programmes to which she dedicated her life.

Ms Borushek’s funeral took place on 26 November in Kyiv. Words of support for loved ones and condolences can be sent to the All-Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV.


By Vinay P. Saldana

Director, UNAIDS Regional Support Team for Eastern Europe and Central Asia


Key populations platform in Ukraine established

13 December 2017

On 11 and 12 December, representatives of four populations at higher risk of HIV infection—people who inject drugs, sex workers, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people and former prisoners—gathered in Kyiv, Ukraine, for the legal formalization of the National Platform for Key Communities and to agree on key priorities for advocacy and on how the platform will be managed and operated.

The platform’s priorities will include influencing policies and decision-making processes, the development of a package of HIV prevention services that respond to the needs of key populations and responding to discrimination.

The participants decided on the positioning, role and contributions of the platform in the national AIDS response, the implementation of a Fast-Track strategy and the form of an HIV prevention 100 days of action campaign. They also enthusiastically welcomed continued Dutch, UNAIDS and civil society collaboration and agreed on a unified strategic vision for the participation of civil society and the platform in key events, including the International AIDS Conference, to be held in Amsterdam, Netherlands, in 2018.

The three key advocacy areas for the platform will be:

  • The participation of communities in decision-making on health, an effective response to HIV and tuberculosis and the protection of human rights.
  • The provision of access to services for key groups focused on the needs of communities that are implemented by the communities and funded by national and local budgets.
  • The protection of rights and the prevention of discrimination.


“We will do our best to make the platform an effective advocacy instrument to help us to achieve our joint objectives and influence decision-making processes that affect our lives and health.”

Velta Parkhomenko National Platform for Key Communities, Ukraine

“The Government of the Netherlands has been and will continue to support this community-led initiative to make the joint voice of key populations in Ukraine heard and taken into account in strategic decision-making at the national, regional and international levels.”

Monique Middelhoff Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands

“The National Platform for Key Communities is a strong, transparent and self-regulated forum of community leaders and individuals with a deep understanding of advocacy and formulating joint positions and statements.”

Jacek Tyszko UNAIDS Country Director, Ukraine


Civil society and WFP increasing food security in Ukraine

20 October 2017

As for everyone, food security is vital for people living with HIV. Access to food improves adherence to HIV treatment and lack of sufficient food can increase the risk of HIV infection through increased transactional, survival and intergenerational sex. And malnourishment affects how well HIV treatment works—people living with HIV who are malnourished are two to six times more likely to die in the first six months of treatment than those who are not.

For people living with HIV in eastern Ukraine, the conflict has had a significant impact on their food security, with most people living with HIV severely food insecure and living in extreme poverty. The conflict has displaced many people—especially women and children—HIV services have had to be relocated and the quality of services in many facilities is poor.

To prevent the collapse of HIV services and to increase food security for people living with HIV, civil society organizations and the United Nations have stepped in. In the parts of eastern Ukraine not controlled by the government, the United Nations and a few humanitarian organizations are the only entities making antiretroviral therapy and other medicines available.

The World Food Programme (WFP), a UNAIDS Cosponsor, is assisting thousands of people living with HIV in the conflict-affected areas with food support through a programme with the All Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV, a nongovernmental partner of WFP. In the government controlled areas of Donetsk and Luhansk, 6500 people living with HIV are in a cash-based transfer programme to provide money for essential food. The assistance, which includes regular medical appointments and the monitoring of adherence to HIV treatment, has led to a fourfold decrease in treatment interruptions. In areas of eastern Ukraine not controlled by the government, in-kind food assistance has helped thousands to meet their basic needs.

The need for food support among people living with HIV in eastern Ukraine is, however, far outstripped by the resources available to support them. Although 6500 people living with HIV in Donetsk and Luhansk are accessing cash-based transfers, thousands more are not being assisted, and the need is even greater in the areas beyond government control. There are fears that even this limited help may have to end, since WFP has yet to receive funds to continue the programme in 2018.


“Food security is important for everyone, but particularly for people living with HIV. I commend the World Food Programme and civil society for their programme to step up food security for people living with HIV in conflict-affected eastern Ukraine.”

Michel Sidibé UNAIDS Executive Director

“In eastern Ukraine, the World Food Programme saves lives by providing food assistance to people living with HIV who are impacted by the region’s emergency. If we can raise more money, the World Food Programme can sustain this work and ensure that those who are the most vulnerable are not without help.”

David Beasley Executive Director, World Food Programme

Feature Story


13 September 2017

Adolescents and young people aged between 16 and 19 years from several countries in eastern Europe and central Asia met in Aghveran, Armenia, from 26 to 29 August for the first Teenergizer strategic planning meeting. They discussed the challenges faced by adolescents living with HIV in their countries, shared the results of the #questHIVtest project and developed the #Teenergizer2020 strategic plan.

Teenergizer is a unique movement of 80 adolescents born to mothers living with HIV and HIV-negative volunteers from Georgia, the Russian Federation and Ukraine. They are united by a set of common values, including support for engagement, tolerance and human rights.  

The issues addressed in the strategic plan include advocating for adolescents’ sexual and reproductive health and rights, the promotion of age-appropriate information on prevention for adolescents and engaging teenagers living with HIV to raise their voices in the HIV response.

In the #questHIVtest project, teams in Tbilisi in Georgia, Kiev and Poltava in Ukraine and Kazan and Saint Petersburg in the Russian Federation promoted easy, safe and youth-friendly HIV testing among adolescents.

Young people visited HIV testing sites and described the barriers to testing they faced. Using this information, they developed a map showing 63 HIV testing locations, accompanied by personal reviews on the HIV test experience, along with fun places nearby for young people to meet. As a result of the #questHIVtest, 1 925 adolescents from 5 cities have tested for HIV.

Max Saani, from Tbilisi, said, “It’s extremely helpful for teenagers to have a map on which adolescents can find youth-friendly testing locations and receive proper help and support.” “This map is very unusual, with fun teen places not even seen in Google Maps,” added Yana Valchuk, from Kiev.

Among the challenges and barriers faced by adolescents during the #questHIVtest were a lack of HIV information, stigma around HIV testing and talking about HIV with friends, the high cost of HIV tests and parental consent. The lack of anonymous HIV tests for young people and the shortage of trained doctors, social workers and psychologists to support adolescents living with HIV were also barriers.

Timur Khayarov, from Kazan, explained that the reasons why many adolescents in the Russian Federation are afraid to take an HIV test include the age limit—14 to take the test with parental consent, 16 without parental consent—and because the test results of minors must be communicated to their parents. “When I was refused an anonymous HIV test because of my age, I showed the personnel a printout of the law. The #questHIVtest helped me to defend my right to services,” he said.

The #questHIVtest project was undertaken with support from UNAIDS and the Viiv Healthcare Foundation.

“I’m convinced that the future is in the hands of adolescents—they are the people who will change and build a new world. By 2020, Teenergizer will be a few steps closer to the world that it seeks,” said Armen Agadjanov, an HIV activist from Yerevan, Armenia.


More people living with HIV in Kyiv accessing antiretroviral therapy

13 July 2017

A public–private partnership between the Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation and the city of Kyiv has enabled 1300 people living with HIV in Kyiv, Ukraine, to access antiretroviral therapy.

The partnership, a part of the Kyiv Fast-Track city programme, allows Kyiv to double antiretroviral therapy coverage of people living with HIV at no extra cost. The public–private partnership enables antiretroviral therapy to be procured for less than half the previous average cost of the medicines in Ukraine. Before the signing of the partnership, the antiretroviral therapy programme in Ukraine was financed by the national budget and by resources from international donors.


“Jointly with people living with HIV we developed the Fast-Track municipal AIDS programme, and today we’ve made a step to our joint realization of our 90–90–90 commitments, ensuring treatment for all Kyiv citizen living with HIV.”

Vitaly Klitschko Mayor of Kyiv

“The key task of my foundation is to stop the AIDS epidemic in Ukraine. UNAIDS advocates for access to treatment by 90% of people aware of their diagnosis. The sooner Ukraine reaches these standards, the sooner we will be able to stop the epidemic. That is why we provided US$ 250 000 for the most advanced medicines for people in Kyiv in need of treatment.”

Elena Pinchuk founder, Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation

“There are three things making the Fast-Track Targets achievable: partnership, leadership and good example. Kyiv has been exemplary in partnering with all stakeholders and coordinating them within a patient-centred approach.”

Jacek Tyszko UNAIDS Country Director, Ukraine

“For people living with HIV, these pills symbolized their future, happy families, healthy children and life opportunities. We welcome this initiative as one of the most essential and meaningful outcomes of the Fast-Track cities initiative in Kyiv.”

Dmytro Sherembey Head, All-Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV


Odesa signs Paris Declaration on Fast-Track cities

17 March 2017

Odesa in Ukraine has become the latest city to sign the Paris Declaration to end the AIDS epidemic in cities. Since the end of 2014, more than 200 cities around the world have signed the Paris Declaration and are addressing the significant disparities in access to basic services, social justice and economic opportunity towards ending the AIDS epidemic.

In signing the Paris Declaration, the Mayor of Odesa, Gennadiy Trukhanov, committed to putting Odesa on the Fast-Track to ending the AIDS epidemic through a set of commitments that include achieving the 90–90–90 targets, which will result in 90% of people living with HIV knowing their HIV status, 90% of people who know their HIV-positive status on antiretroviral treatment and 90% of people on treatment with suppressed viral loads.

Ukraine has the second largest HIV epidemic among eastern European and central Asian countries and accounts for 19% of the total number of people living with HIV in the region. According to the Ministry of Health, there are 11 313 officially registered people living with HIV in Odesa, but only 3889 are receiving antiretroviral therapy.

As a result of the city’s commitment to the Paris Declaration, antiretroviral therapy will be provided to all people living with HIV free of charge through state medical institutions. The scale-up in antiretroviral therapy coverage will be possible as a result of an increase in the state budget allocation for antiretroviral therapy (a 132% increase in 2017), antiretroviral therapy co-financing by partners such as the United States President’s Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and a reform of the health system and antiretroviral therapy decentralization. Antiretroviral therapy will be provided by family doctors, which will increase the number of patients that will be covered. Furthermore, the optimization of the treatment protocols and the cost reductions of antiretroviral medicines as a result of improved state procurement systems will also contribute to providing more access to treatment.

Odesa is the second city, after Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv, in the eastern Europe and central Asia region to join the Fast-Track cities initiative. The signing ceremony was attended by representatives of the national and local government, including members of the Kyiv city administration. The event was also attended by the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Michel Kazatchkine, United Nations representatives, and members of civil society, business and media organizations. 


“The city is ready to take on the responsibilities of a Fast-Track city. We have good cooperation between municipal services and HIV services and established a powerful partnership with civil society that will allow us to embody all these obligations.”

Gennadiy Trukhanov Mayor of Odesa

“By signing the Paris Declaration, Mayor Gennadiy Trukhanov is encouraging mayors of another eight cities of Ukraine with a high HIV burden to join the initiative and sending a strong signal on the importance of overcoming the AIDS epidemic as a necessary condition for achieving sustainable development of cities and local communities.”

Jacek Tyszko UNAIDS Country Director in Ukraine

“Congratulations to the city of Odesa for its bold commitment today. Bringing together the efforts of public health and civil society within the frame of the Fast-Track cities initiative will be key to progress in the response to HIV in the region. It is also a factor for social progress, social transformation and progress towards more social equity in large cities.”

Michel Kazatchkine United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

“As new HIV cases continue to increase in eastern Europe and central Asia, the epidemic is focused on major cities. Concentrated among key populations and their sexual partners, particularly people who inject drugs, this can be reversed if cities get on the Fast-Track to end AIDS. The leadership of the city of Odesa is the kind of immediate and decisive leadership needed to Fast-Track its AIDS response by 2020.”

Vinay P. Saldanha Director, Regional Support Team for Eastern Europe and Central Asia


Ukrainian Government to fully finance opioid substitution therapy

03 November 2016

The Government of Ukraine has announced that in 2017 it will fully finance from its budget the national opioid substitution therapy programme for people who use drugs, a key population in Ukraine that is at higher risk of HIV infection. Approximately US$ 500 000 will be allocated to enable 8000 people who inject drugs to continue to access the therapy in 2017.

Ukraine has been providing opioid substitution therapy for 12 years with financial support from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and technical support from UNAIDS and through key partnerships with civil society organizations. People who use drugs with chronic opioid dependence and participate in the programme receive either methadone-based substitution therapy (tablets or liquid methadone) or buprenorphine tablets. Health-care workers provide daily support and counselling.

UNAIDS estimates there were 16 000 new HIV infections in 2015—220 000 people were living with HIV in Ukraine in the same year. 


"We have taken a major step forward to increase public funding of HIV and tuberculosis programmes in Ukraine. This is our ideological choice. It's not just because of Ukraine's international obligations. We do this primarily for those people who are faced with these serious diseases and need our help."

Pavlo Rozenko Vice-Prime Minister of Ukraine

“UNAIDS welcomes the decision by the Ukrainian Government, which has the full support of all partners and the All-Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV. Country ownership and shared responsibility are essential to end the AIDS epidemic as a public health threat.”

Vinay P. Saldanha Director of the UNAIDS Regional Support Team for Eastern Europe and Central Asia

“For the first time in Ukraine's national AIDS response, its opioid substitution therapy programme will be financed in full from the state budget. This is a titanic achievement of activists, experts and opinion leaders from the international community, government and civil society.”

Dmytro Sherembey Chairman, All-Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV


HIV prevention campaign launched in Ukraine

21 September 2016

The HIV prevention campaign Believe it or Not, featuring UNAIDS Goodwill Ambassador for Eastern Europe and Central Asia Vera Brezhneva as a spokesperson, was launched in Kyiv, Ukraine, on 15 September.

The national campaign encourages men and women to get the facts on HIV and to protect themselves and are invited to test their knowledge about HIV at

An online platform with key facts about HIV, HIV testing sites, an epidemiological review and other elements on HIV awareness is also available at Posters, city lights and billboards will promote campaign messages across the country.

The number of new HIV infections is still growing in Ukraine. According to the latest national data, HIV sexual transmission is rising and accounts for up to 70% of new registered cases. The vast majority of the estimated 220 000 people living with HIV in the country in 2015 are 15–49 years old.

The Government of Ukraine, UNAIDS and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, acting on behalf of the Government of Germany, are working together on the campaign.


“We are grateful to our international partners for their support with the HIV response in Ukraine and reforms in the health-care sector. This campaign is a good example of the way prevention campaigns for the general population should be implemented.”

Uliana Suprun Acting Minister of Health of Ukraine

“It is much easier to prevent HIV infection than to treat it. For our country, which is currently facing multiple challenges, it is vital to stop new HIV infections now.”

Natalya Nizova Director of the Ukrainian Centre for Social Disease Control

“We want to remind people about simple but very important things: don’t believe in words, only believe in facts about HIV infection. Don’t be scared to talk about your safety with sexual partners. Be responsible for your health and get tested for HIV regularly.”

Vera Brezhneva UNAIDS Goodwill Ambassador for Eastern Europe and Central Asia

“If we want to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030, we have to use all opportunities and innovative approaches to prevent new cases of HIV.”

Vinay Saldanha UNAIDS Regional Director for Eastern Europe and Central Asia

“We welcome the collaboration with our partners and support Ukraine in the implementation of this campaign. We can only achieve visible results by uniting our efforts.”

Tatiana Khimchenko Deputy Director of the HIV/AIDS Advisory Services and Institutional Capacity Building Project, GIZ Office, Ukraine


Kyiv commits to ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030

06 April 2016

Ahead of a Fast-Track cities event to take place in June at the 2016 United Nations General Assembly High-Level Meeting on Ending AIDS, the Mayor of Kyiv, Vitali Klitschko, has committed the city to the UNAIDS Fast-Track approach to end the AIDS epidemic.

The Fast-Track cities event in New York, United States of America, on 6 June will highlight the leadership role of cities in the AIDS response and showcase urban innovations to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, including the target of ending the AIDS epidemic.

There are around 223 000 people living with HIV in Ukraine, with about 14 000 new HIV infections in 2014. Around one in five adults living with HIV has access to antiretroviral therapy.

Participants at the event at which the commitment to the Fast-Track approach was made included Ukraine’s Minister of Health, Alexander Kvitashvili, the United States’ Ambassador, Geoffrey R. Pyatt, France’s Ambassador, Isabelle Dumont, and the Executive Director of the Kyiv Network of People Living with HIV, Lada Bulah.


“We should bear our full responsibility to the people of Kyiv and join hands with the city and international partners to prevent the spread of the disease and do everything to end AIDS.”

Vitali Klitschko, Mayor of Kyiv

"Mr Klitschko is sending a strong signal of support for Kyiv’s commitment to the UNAIDS Fast-Track approach, the 90–90–90 treatment target and the zero discrimination campaign. This level of commitment and leadership allows us to believe that ending AIDS by 2030 is possible.”

Jacek Tyszko, UNAIDS Country Director, Ukraine

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