Young people


Overview of Epidemic and Response in Asia and the Pacific

21 August 2007

Distinguished guests, colleagues and friends, good morning. I thank the local organizing committee of the 8th ICAAP for this opportunity to stand before you once again and to look at how we are progressing after the Kobe ICAAP.Meeting two years after the Kobe Conference presents a good opportunity to take stock of the situation and to look ahead at the enormous challenges we are facing in the region in combating the AIDS epidemic.


Speech by Shashank Mane, UNAIDS Intern on the occassion of the visit of International Cricket Council President, David Morgan to UNAIDS Secretariat. Geneva, 17 November 2008

17 November 2008

As a youngster, like for many children in India, my dream was to become a cricket player for my country. Being anything else seemed to be almost unnatural. However, this dream was detoured when I moved away from my homeland. After that, I had limited access to playing cricket - but the influence that cricket had on my life and the values it instilled in me live on in me to this day and probably will forever.


Ninth General Assembly of the Organization of African First Ladies against HIV/AIDS, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

31 January 2011

I am honoured to be here today, and I thank you for your warm welcome. I want to begin by expressing my deep gratitude to OAFLA members for your leadership and contributions to the AIDS response in Africa. I congratulate you, because the work of African First Ladies has been increasingly visible and has made a real difference in the lives of our mothers, sisters and children.


UNAIDS Agenda for Accelerated Country Action for Women: Operational plan

23 July 2010

The Agenda for Accelerated Country Action for Women, Girls, Gender Equality and HIV 2010–2014 (Operational Plan) supports the implementation of the UNAIDS Action Framework: Addressing Women, Girls, Gender Equality and HIV.1 The Action Framework was developed in response to the pressing need to address the persistent gender inequalities and human rights violations that put women and girls at a greater risk of HIV, and increase their vulnerability. These factors also threaten the gains that have been made in preventing HIV transmission and in increasing access to antiretroviral therapy. The UNAIDS Action Framework focuses on action in three areas, outlined below, in which UNAIDS2 and UNIFEM can make specific and unique contributions.


"Getting to zero is a journey to social justice": UNAIDS Executive Director’s speech to New Zealand MFAT Town Hall

05 March 2012

UNAIDS’ vision of zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths is not about “absolute zero.” It is a journey that leads us to social justice and to greater distribution of opportunity for people who are not lucky.


Speech by UNAIDS Executive Director in Burkina Faso on the occasion of the Third Pan-African Youth Leadership Summit

20 December 2012

Ladies and gentlemen, dear participants: This Pan-African Youth Summit is extremely timely. It is being held at a critical period in the evolution of our societies, when the world starts to collectively reflect on the Post-2012 development agenda.

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