Feature Story

President Goodluck Jonathan urges all Nigerians to “Take Charge” and take an HIV Test

01 December 2013

In a World AIDS Day statement, H.E. Goodluck Jonathan, President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria announced his Government’s plan to step up the country’s AIDS response with his leadership and commitment. “No Nigerian should be allowed to die of AIDS, they must take charge and take an HIV test,” said President Jonathan.

A new national initiative to test 30 million people for HIV in 2014 was launched at an event held in the Bwari state of Nigeria by the Federal Minister of Health Professor Onyebuchi Chukwu. According to Nigerian government  more than 80% of men and women in Nigeria report to never have been tested for HIV.  The Minister of Health led by example and took an HIV test to kick-start the HIV testing campaign. He was joined by UNAIDS Deputy Executive Director Dr Luiz Loures, and the UNAIDS Country Coordinator for Nigeria Dr Bilali Camara who also took the test to mark UNAIDS support to this landmark campaign.

Dr Loures conveyed his assurances of the full support of UNAIDS and  the entire UN family to President Goodluck Jonathan and the Government of Nigeria in the implementation of the Presidential Comprehensive Response Plan to respond to AIDS which was launched earlier this year


"No Nigerian should be allowed to die of AIDS, they must take charge and take an HIV test."

Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan

"The Presidential Comprehensive Response Plan is a priority for the Government of Nigeria."

Professor Onyebuchi Chukwu, Minister of Health of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

"The end of the AIDS epidemic starts with knowing your HIV status and accessing HIV services."

Dr Luiz Loures, Deputy Executive Director, Programme, UNAIDS