China–Africa cooperation ushers in a new era of investment in health development in Africa
07 October 2015
07 October 2015 07 October 2015Increasing the resilience of health system infrastructure across Africa was at the centre of discussions at the second China–Africa Health Development Forum, which took place in Cape Town, South Africa, from 4 to 6 October. Discussions resulted in the Cape Town Declaration, which will serve as a blueprint for health as an intrinsic part of development in Africa.
Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for 14% of the world’s population and 24% of the global burden of disease. Thousands of deaths could be prevented by timely access to medicines, including 70% of AIDS-related deaths. During the meeting, the participants agreed that local production of medicines and medical supplies in Africa is limited and health systems need significant strengthening. The UNAIDS Executive Director, Michel Sidibé, reminded participants that in order to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030, Africa needs to explore innovative ways of producing antiretroviral medicines, not only to ensure that more people access HIV treatment, but so that people move from first-line to second-line treatment regimes, which are currently prohibitively expensive.
While there are many challenges, the participants heard that Africa is transforming and presents many possibilities for partnership and investment. The continent is experiencing a rapidly growing economy, with a gross domestic product of US$ 2.4 trillion in 2013, which is expected to climb to US$ 3.3 trillion by 2020. Health-care spending rose from US$ 28.4 billion in 2000 to US$ 117 billion in 2012. The value of Africa’s pharmaceutical industry is increasing steadily and many countries are demonstrating strong political leadership in the AIDS response.
The five focus areas of the Cape Town Declaration are: to develop innovative information and communication technology for health; to build regional surveillance systems; to improve the core capacities of international health regulations; to enhance the use and regulation of traditional medicines; and to focus on public–private partnerships.
The outcomes of the forum will shape the agenda for the upcoming high-level China–Africa Cooperation Summit, which will be held in December 2015, also in Cape Town.
“I welcome China’s deliberations on how to produce medicines locally in Africa. Today we have talked about the important issues. We are thinking about how to sustain the gains that we have made in the AIDS response in the past 15 years.”
“China and Africa share the same destiny and interests. To achieve true results we will work together with our African friends to promote the well-being of all the people of Africa.”
“The China–Africa Health Development Forum is about saving lives and improving the well-being of our people here in Africa. We need a well-funded, well-organized response to health and the China–Africa cooperation will go a long way to achieve this.”
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