
UNAIDS and Xinhua renew their partnership towards ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030

18 March 2016

The Chinese news agency Xinhua and UNAIDS have renewed their partnership for the AIDS response through a two-year extension of their memorandum of understanding. The agreement was signed during a meeting between UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé and Xinhua’s President Cai Mingzhao at UNAIDS headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, on 18 March.

Mr Sidibé thanked Xinhua for its support of UNAIDS and highlighted the importance of strong public-private partnerships to reach millions of people with life-saving information.

Working together is key, said Mr Cai, who reiterated Xinhua’s commitment to raising awareness and advocating around key issues related to ending the AIDS epidemic in China and globally. 

The UNAIDS–Xinhua memorandum of understanding was first signed in September 2011. Efforts carried out during the past years include global media campaigns to promote public awareness of HIV and support for World AIDS Day activities. The current agreement includes showcasing UNAIDS during the United Nations General Assembly High-Level Meeting on Ending AIDS in June on a giant electronic screen in Times Square, New York, United States of America. In addition, Xinhua will work with UNAIDS to publish and distribute a children’s book in China.

Xinhua is the world’s largest news agency, with more than 170 offices overseas and 31 domestic bureaus.


"With this partnership we will reach millions, if not billions, of people and we will quicken the pace of action towards ending AIDS by 2030.”

Michel Sidibé, Executive Director

"To achieve the ultimate goal of ending AIDS, the joint efforts of all sectors of the global community are much needed. The signature today of a memorandum of understanding is an opportunity for UNAIDS and Xinhua to strengthen our collaboration and work together to make a contribution to ending AIDS.”

Cai Mingzhao, President, Xinhua



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