Feature Story
Better integration of mental health and HIV services needed
10 October 2018
10 October 2018 10 October 2018World Mental Health Day is observed on 10 October each year. This year, UNAIDS is highlighting that governments need to do more to integrate mental health and HIV services.
People living with HIV are at a greatly increased risk of developing mental health conditions, often suffering from depression and anxiety as they adjust to their diagnosis and adapt to living with a chronic infectious disease.
People living with mental health problems can also be at higher risk of HIV. The risks are exacerbated by low access to information and knowledge of HIV, including how to prevent it, injecting drug use, sexual contact with people who inject drugs, sexual abuse, unprotected sex between men and low use of condoms.
“HIV affects the most vulnerable and marginalized in society, who are also disproportionally affected by mental health issues,” said Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of UNAIDS. “By integrating HIV and mental health services we will be able to reach more people with the specialist care and life-saving support they urgently need.”
Currently, very few health services are addressing the HIV-related needs of people living with mental health issues or the mental health issues of people living with HIV. This situation needs to change. Studies conducted over five continents have estimated that HIV prevalence among people living with severe mental disorders could be between 1.5% in Asia and up to 19% in Africa.
People living with HIV can experience mental health issues that can affect quality of life and stop them seeking health care, adhering to treatment and continuing in care. Studies across 38 countries show that 15% of adults and 25% of adolescents living with HIV reported depression or feeling overwhelmed, which could be a barrier to adherence to antiretroviral therapy.
In addition, treatment itself can cause a wide range of side-effects on the central nervous system, including depression, nervousness, euphoria, hallucinations and psychosis. Studies in Africa found a 24% prevalence of depression among people living with HIV.
Identifying mental health issues among people living with HIV is critical; however, far too often those go undiagnosed and untreated. There are many reasons for this, all of which need to be addressed. People may not want to reveal their psychological state to health-care workers for fear of stigma and discrimination and health-care workers may not have the skills or training to detect psychological symptoms or may fail to take the necessary action for further assessment, management and referral if symptoms are detected.
Mental health services should ensure access to voluntary and confidential HIV testing and counselling for people who may be at increased risk of HIV. Primary health-care providers must be trained to recognize and treat common mental health and substance-use disorders and refer people to expert care.
Prevention, testing, treatment and care services must meet the complex medical, psychological and social needs of people affected by HIV and mental health issues, which can be best managed through integrated programmes. Integrated approaches need to be across sectors and involve social, legal, health-care and educational services and engage community-based organizations.
Integrating mental health and HIV programming prevents new HIV infections and improves the health and well-being of people living with and affected by HIV.