Tuberculosis TB

Press Release

United Nations Secretary-General Message on World TB Day 2008, 24 March 2008

World TB Day is an occasion to urge action to stop tuberculosis, a disease which still kills an appalling 4,000 people every day. The man-made multi-drug resistant strain and its even more lethal form, extensively drug-resistant TB, are both spreading.

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Press Release

Worldwide efforts to confront tuberculosis are making progress but too slowly

The World Health Organization (WHO) report, Global

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The global tuberculosis (TB) epidemic has levelled off for the first time since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared TB a public health emergency in 1993.

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Press Release

Africa leaders announce new resolve to combat AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

A special summit of the African Union ended in Abuja with the adoption of far-reaching decisions to stem the tide of AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria – three diseases which kill an estimated four million Africans every year.

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Press Release

Combining TB treatment with HIV testing and treatment could save lives of up to 500 000 HIV-positive Africans every year

Joint TB and HIV interventions are among the best ways to accelerate access to ARVs and to help reach the

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La tuberculosis y el SIDA

25 de noviembre de 1997

La creciente epidemia del virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) ha dado un nuevo impulso a un viejo enemigo: la tuberculosis. La epidemia de VIH favorece la propagación de la tuberculosis y aumenta el riesgo de contraer esa enfermedad para toda la población. Para las personas seropositivas, el riesgo de tuberculosis es particularmente grande y el desenlace a menudo es mortal.


Global Tuberculosis Control 2008

17 de marzo de 2008

Annual report published by the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Tuberculosis Control 2008. This year's report shows that nearly 3/4 million people living with HIV fell ill with TB disease in 2006, confirming that TB is a major cause of illness and death in people living with HIV despite being mostly preventable and curable. Africa is yet again the most heavily affected continent, with 85% of the global burden of HIV-related TB.


We can ensure that people living with HIV receive treatment

01 de enero de 2011

As the number of people living with HIV worldwide continues to grow, HIV-related illness remains a leading cause of death. It is likely to continue to be a significant cause of premature mortality in the coming decades. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) enables people to regain control over their lives, dignity, productivity and employment and contributes to reducing further transmission of HIV and tuberculosis (TB). People living with HIV have a basic human right to equitable access to quality, efficient and sustainable interventions for HIV prevention and treatment.


Time to act: Save a million lives by 2015 - Prevent and treat tuberculosis among people living with HIV

06 de junio de 2011

We live in a time of unprecedented hope for the 33.3 million people living with HIV worldwide. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) offers the promise of a full and fulfilling life. Now people living with HIV can raise their families, work and pursue their dreams. But a thief is in our midst—one that is routinely robbing people, and the countries they live in, of their futures. Every minute, three people living with HIV have their lives snatched away by tuberculosis (TB). Africa, hit hard by HIV, is also hit hard by TB. TB is the main cause of death in people living with HIV.

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