Civil society


A guidance tool for including community systems strengthening in proposals for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

20 сентября 2011 года.

There is general agreement that strong community participation in the response to HIV, tuberculosis (TB) and malaria is essential to controlling these epidemics. In the AIDS response, community-based organizations (CBOs) and other NGOs have played a critical role. They have been key providers of prevention, treatment, care and support services and have worked to create the social, political, legal and financial environment needed to effectively respond to the epidemic


Middle East and North Africa - Regional Report on AIDS: 2011

04 декабря 2011 года.

In the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, the HIV epidemic has been on the rise since 2001. Although the overall HIV prevalence in the region is still low, the rise in new infections has put MENA among the top two regions in the world with the fastest growing HIV epidemic. The rise in the estimated number of people living with HIV in the region presumably is the result of an increased HIV prevalence among key populations at higher risk and a forward transmission of the virus to a larger number of individuals who are generally at lower risk of infection.


Стратегические рекомендации для сотрудничества с новым поколением лидеров В ЦЕЛЯХ противодействия СПИДу

24 апреля 2012 года.

CrowdOutAIDS – новый проект Секретариата ЮНЭЙДС по разработке политики силами молодежи. В нем используются инструменты социальных сетей и технология краудсорсинга, дающие возможность молодым людям со всего мира разработать набор рекомендаций, которые позволят Секретариату ЮНЭЙДС более эффективно работать с молодежью в деле противодействия СПИДу.


Женщины говорят во весь голос: О том, как женщины, живущие с ВИЧ, помогут миру победить СПИД.

11 декабря 2012 года.

Хотя женщины и составляют половину населения планеты, их положение нельзя назвать равноправным. Это особенно очевидно, когда речь заходит о ВИЧ. Половина всех людей, живущих с ВИЧ, – женщины, но многие из них не получают необходимой помощи или же не знают своего статуса. Несмотря на многочисленные свидетельства успехов, женщины по-прежнему сталкиваются с неравенством, которое препятствует полной реализации потенциала мер противодействия СПИДу.


Middle East and North Africa - Regional Report on AIDS: 2011

04 декабря 2011 года.

In the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, the HIV epidemic has been on the rise since 2001. Although the overall HIV prevalence in the region is still low, the rise in new infections has put MENA among the top two regions in the world with the fastest growing HIV epidemic. The rise in the estimated number of people living with HIV in the region presumably is the result of an increased HIV prevalence among key populations at higher risk and a forward transmission of the virus to a larger number of individuals who are generally at lower risk of infection.


South-East Europe Sub-Regional Consultation on scaling-up towards Universal Access

18 мартаа 2006 года.

This regional consultation is the culmination of a country-driven process to concretize three increasingly famous words – towards universal access.


The future of AIDS: Exceptionalism Revisited

26 мая 2008 года.

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. This is a special lecture in the Department for International Development series of lectures on HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases


Speech by Dr Peter Piot, UNAIDS Executive Director at the opening of the XVII International AIDS Conference, Mexico. Mexico City, 3 August 2008

04 августаа 2008 года.

This conference takes place as we enter a new phase in confronting aids. A new phase because we now have results on a large scale. For the first time, fewer people are dying of aids and fewer people are becoming infected with HIV. For the first time we have empirical evidence that our brilliant coalition can move mountains. A unique and diverse coalition present here in this auditorium. This is cause for encouragement. But not cause for complacency, nor for declaring victory.

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