UNAIDS congratulates Michel Sidibé on his appointment as Minister of Health and Social Affairs of Mali

Keeping up the momentum in the global AIDS response

Malawi launches its health situation room

Learning lessons on evaluation

UNAIDS presents a new plan to create a healthy, equitable and enabling environment for UNAIDS staff

UN and AU working together for sustainable development

International Women’s Day in Ethiopia

On International Women’s Day, UNAIDS calls for greater action to protect young women and adolescent girls

UNAIDS urges action to change discriminatory laws in order to restore dignity and respect and save lives

Healthy populations for healthy economies in Africa
Ethiopia demonstrates that communities deliver

OAFLA to broaden its scope of work

African Union recognizes Executive Director of UNAIDS for his outstanding achievements in tackling AIDS

UNAIDS welcomes the call by Pope Francis not to discriminate

UNAIDS Board calls for immediate implementation of UNAIDS agenda for change

UNAIDS puts forward a transformative agenda to create a model working environment at UNAIDS

South Africa launches campaign to expand access to HIV treatment

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women—2018 message

Victoria Beckham visits UNAIDS in Geneva to lend her support to the AIDS response ahead of World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day 2018 message by UNAIDS Executive Director, Michel Sidibé

Access to quality medicines and gender-based violence discussed in Ethiopia

New UNAIDS report shows that 75% of all people living with HIV know their HIV status
President of Botswana visits UNAIDS and calls for a united, efficient partnership for setting regional HIV priorities
Prime Minister and the First Lady of Lesotho visit UNAIDS
Botswana’s First Lady visits UNAIDS to drive change for young women

Better integration of mental health and HIV services needed

UNAIDS to work with uniformed forces in the Central African Republic to end sexual violence and abuse and stop new HIV infections

Cervical cancer and HIV—two diseases, one response

First ladies of Africa working to stop new HIV infections among children

New model drug law launched in western Africa

UNAIDS welcomes appointment of Michelle Bachelet as UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

Leading experts call on the criminal justice system to ensure science informs the application of the law in criminal cases related to HIV

Accelerating towards 90–90–90

Global HIV Prevention Coalition implements the HIV Prevention 2020 Road Map

The 22nd International AIDS Conference opens in Amsterdam

UNAIDS welcomes establishment of an Independent Expert Panel on addressing and preventing harassment, including sexual harassment, bullying and abuse of power

Kaiser/UNAIDS study finds donor government funding for HIV rose to US$ 8.1 billion in 2017 due to shift in timing of United States support
Monaco becomes a Fast-Track city

Love in the Sunshine in South Sichuan

China Global Television Network interviews UNAIDS Executive Director about the AIDS response

UNAIDS welcomes additional funding from Australia

UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board opens

Global HIV Prevention Coalition accelerates action to reduce new HIV infections

UNAIDS urges a scaling up of HIV vaccine research to stop new infections

UNAIDS calls for strengthened partnerships to leave no one behind

Message from UNAIDS Executive Director following a meeting with civil society leaders in South Africa

Lesotho HIV and health situation room brings innovation to country’s AIDS response

Sixth Eastern Europe and Central Asia Conference on HIV/AIDS opens in Moscow

A united rallying cry: Time to make health care systems more flexible and innovative
Globo Television visits UNAIDS following Emmy Kids nomination