
Mr Bertrand Audoin to head International AIDS Society

The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) congratulates Mr Bertrand Audoin on his recent appointment as Executive Director of the International AIDS Society (IAS) an association of HIV professionals with more than 19,000 members from some 190 countries working at all levels of the global response to AIDS.

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UNAIDS saddened by death of Ambassador Holbrooke

UNAIDS is deeply saddened by the death of AIDS advocate Ambassador Richard Holbrooke. During his lifetime, Ambassador Holbrooke was a staunch supporter of the AIDS response and a valued partner of UNAIDS.

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UNAIDS and Islamic Development Bank sign partnership agreement

The Islamic Development Bank (IDB) and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for collaboration on a range of AIDS programmes in sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa. The MoU was signed between IDB Group President Dr Ahmad...

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UNAIDS welcomes breakthrough TB diagnostic test for people living with HIV

The World Health Organization (WHO) has endorsed a new diagnostic test that can diagnose tuberculosis (TB) and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in less than two hours compared to the current standard test which can take up to three months.

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UNAIDS calls for Zero Discrimination on Human Rights Day

As the AIDS epidemic enters its fourth decade, stigma based on HIV status remains unacceptably high across the globe. Discrimination, inequality and social exclusion based on health status, gender, sexual orientation, drug dependency, disability and migrant and refugee status, prevent people from accessing life-saving HIV prevention, treatment, care and support...

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Trade agreements should not hinder efforts towards universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support

The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) calls on all countries to ensure efforts towards universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support are not impeded by bilateral and multilateral trade agreements.

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UNAIDS Board adopts new strategy to help achieve 2015 HIV goals

The governing body of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), the Programme Coordinating Board (PCB), has adopted a new UNAIDS strategy to advance global progress in achieving universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support services and to halt and reverse the spread of HIV.

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Eminent world personalities call for an HIV Prevention Revolution

On the occasion of World AIDS Day 2010, the UNAIDS High Level Commission on HIV Prevention has released a Declaration calling on world leaders to accelerate the decline in new HIV infections and spark a prevention revolution.

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President of Brazil receives UNAIDS leadership award

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was awarded today the 2010 “UNAIDS Award for Leadership” in recognition of his contribution to social and economic development as well as the AIDS response.

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An AIDS-Free Generation is achievable by focusing on the most disadvantaged communities affected by HIV, says a new U.N. report marking World AIDS Day

Achieving an AIDS-free generation is possible if the international community steps up efforts to provide universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, and social protection, according to “Children and AIDS: Fifth Stocktaking Report 2010,” which was released today in New York. Attaining this goal, however, depends on reaching the most marginalized...

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UNAIDS and WHO welcome new findings that could provide an additional tool for HIV prevention for men who have sex with men

The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and the World Health Organization (WHO) welcome new research published today showing that an antiretroviral drug combination, taken daily as a prophylaxis, in conjunction with use of condoms, reduces the risk of HIV infection by an average of 43.8% for HIV-negative men...

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At least 56 countries have either stabilized or achieved significant declines in rates of new HIV infections

A new report by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), released today, shows that the AIDS epidemic is beginning to change course as the number of people newly infected with HIV is declining and AIDS-related deaths are decreasing. Together, this is contributing to the stabilization of the total...

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UNAIDS welcomes Pope Benedict's support to HIV prevention

UNAIDS welcomes the reported statement of Pope Benedict XVI calling for “a humane way of living sexuality” and that the use of condoms are justified "in the intention of reducing the risk of HIV infection".

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UNAIDS Executive Director honoured for leadership in advancing UN causes

The Executive Director of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), Michel Sidibé, has received an award from the UN Foundation and the United Nations Association of the USA for his leadership in advancing UN causes.

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UNAIDS welcomes announcement of Dr Babatunde Osotimehin as head of UNFPA

The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) welcomes the UN Secretary-General’s announcement of the appointment of Dr Babatunde Osotimehin as the new Executive Director of United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). Dr Osotimehin has served as Minister of Health of Nigeria and was also Director-General of the country’s National Agency...

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New Reports Show That Despite Commitment, Total Philanthropic Funding For AIDS In Slight Decline

The European HIV/AIDS Funders Group (EFG), Funders Concerned About AIDS (FCAA), supported by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV (UNAIDS), released new reports today on HIV/AIDS-related funding from US and European philanthropic donors. The reports show that while total funding decreased slightly (by 2%), most philanthropic donors increased commitments...

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UNAIDS welcomes US$ 11.7 billion commitment by donors to the Global Fund

UNAIDS welcomes commitments made by donors at the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria’s replenishment conference in New York, which was chaired this year by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

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UNAIDS welcomes first voluntary license to the Medicines Patent Pool by the National Institutes of Health of United States

The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) welcomes the announcement made today by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) that they will be sharing patents with the Medicines Patent Pool. This is the first time that a patent-holder has shared intellectual property on antiretroviral medicines with the newly established...

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New Africa-China partnership to promote a renewed era for progress towards achieving health and development goals

World leaders call on South-South cooperation to reverse the AIDS epidemic and lead an integrated approach to accelerate progress towards the Millennium Development Goals

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France increases its contribution to the AIDS response

UNAIDS welcomes the announcement by the French President Nicolas Sarkozy to provide US$1.4 billion to the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria for 2011-2013. The announcement was made by the French President at the Millennium Development Summit being held at the United Nations in New York and is...

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Twenty-two of the most affected countries in sub-Saharan Africa have reduced new HIV infections by more than 25%

Ahead of the United Nations Summit on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) on 20-22 September 2010, UNAIDS today released data on progress towards MDG 6 and called for leveraging the AIDS response to support all MDGs.

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UNAIDS welcomes New South Wales Government's plan to make injecting room permanent

The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) welcomes the plan by the New South Wales State Government in Australia to grant the Medically Supervised Injecting Room in Sydney’s Kings Cross a permanent licence.

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UNAIDS welcomes announcement of Michelle Bachelet as head of UN body for women

The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) welcomes the UN Secretary-General’s announcement of the appointment of Ms Michelle Bachelet as head of UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women.

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Road-map agreed for confirmatory trials of promising microbicide

Call for further trials needed to make promising antiretroviral gel available to women at risk of HIV as quickly as possible

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Preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV is critical to achieving Millennium Development Goals in Africa

Kampala, 27 July 2010 — Investing in the health of women and children was the focus of the high-level Summit of the African Union held 25-27 July in Kampala, Uganda. The meeting, attended by more than 35 Heads of State and politicians, highlighted progress and challenges in advancing Millennium Development...

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Public health leaders push ambitious agenda to stop TB deaths among people living with HIV

22 July 2010 - Vienna, Austria - It's a story that unfolds every day around the world but is rarely heard. A woman, man or child living with HIV gets exposed to tuberculosis (TB) in a setting where there are no measures to stop the spread of infection. It could...

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Top world personalities join UNAIDS’ High Level Commission to bring about a prevention revolution

GENEVA, 21 July 2010 — The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) launched today a new UNAIDS High Level Commission on HIV Prevention, which includes more than 15 world renowned leaders. Commissioners will use their unique authority and influence to lead a social and political action campaign over the...

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Report warns flat global funding for HIV prevention research may limit ability of researchers to move promising approaches forward

VIENNA (20 July, 2010) – Following significant advances in vaccine and microbicide research, including results presented today of 39% efficacy in the CAPRISA 004 microbicide gel trial among women in South Africa, a new report released today warns that flat funding for HIV prevention research may limit researchers’ ability to...

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UNAIDS salutes country leadership to eliminate HIV-related restrictions on entry, stay and residence

VIENNA, 20 July 2010 — UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé applauded today the leadership displayed by China, Namibia and the United States of America to lift their travel restrictions for people living with HIV, while calling for similar action in all countries that continue to employ such discriminatory measures.

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World organizations team with UN Secretary General in new effort to save lives of millions of women and children

Vienna, 19 July 2010 – Today several of the world’s largest institutions that are critical to serving the needs of women and children are pledging their commitment to work jointly with the United Nations Secretary General and others in a new global effort to save the lives of more than...

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UNICEF: Young of Central Asia and Eastern Europe Suffering Blame and Banishment

VIENNA, 19 July 2010 - An underground HIV epidemic in Eastern Europe and Central Asia is intensifying at an alarming pace, fueled by drug use, high-risk sexual behavior and high levels of social stigma that discourage people from seeking prevention information and treatment, according to a new report released today...

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WHO and UNAIDS welcome ground breaking proof of concept study results for vaginal gel showing reduced risk of HIV infections in women

VIENNA, 19 July 2010—The results announced today at the XVIII International AIDS conference in Vienna showed a significant reduction in risk of HIV infection in women who used a new generation of microbicide gels, one that contains the antiretroviral drug tenofovir. It also showed a significant reduction in genital herpes...

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KFF/UNAIDS Report Finds Donor Nation Support for AIDS Relief Was Flat in 2009 During World Economic Crisis, With US$7.6 Billion Provided During the Year

VIENNA, Austria – Overall support for global AIDS efforts from donor nations flattened in the midst of last year’s global economic crisis, according to a new analysis of 2009 funding levels from the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS).

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Eastern European countries show increasing new HIV infections while some harm reduction programmes are decreasing

VIENNA, 16 July 2010 — Eastern Europe and Central Asia is the only region where HIV incidence clearly remains on the rise. Early indications are that the number of newly diagnosed HIV cases in 2009 has increased since 2008. Russian Federation has reported an 8% increase in reported cases, Georgia...

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Joint statement of UN agencies on criminal charges brought against HIV activists and health and social workers in eastern Europe and central Asia

GENEVA, 15 July 2010—Five United Nations agencies—UNICEF, UNFPA, WHO, UNAIDS, and UNDP—express concern that health and social workers have suffered as a result of their professional activities in the response to HIV in several countries in eastern Europe and central Asia.

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Ten million deaths and 1 million new HIV infections could be averted if countries meet HIV treatment targets

GENEVA, 13 July 2010 — The new UNAIDS Outlook report outlines a radically simplified HIV treatment platform called Treatment 2.0 that could decrease the number of AIDS-related deaths drastically and could also greatly reduce the number of new HIV infections. Evidence shows that new HIV infections among young people, in...

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UNDP Announces 2010 Red Ribbon Award Winners

New York, July 12. Twenty-five community-based organisations representing 17 countries across the globe have won the 2010 Red Ribbon Award.

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Namibia lifts travel ban for people living with HIV

GENEVA, 8 July 2010 – UNAIDS applauds the decision by the Government of Namibia to lift its travel restrictions for people living with HIV and align the country’s legislation with international public health standards. The reforms—which took effect on 1 July—also remove entry restrictions against people living with other contagious...

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UNAIDS and French Parliamentary Assembly join forces to strengthen HIV response

DAKAR, 7 July 2010 – A memorandum of understanding was signed today by Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of UNAIDS, and Yvon Vallières, President of the French Parliamentary Assembly (Assemblée parlementaire de la francophonie or APF), to strengthen the HIV response in francophone countries hardest hit by the HIV epidemic. The...

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UNAIDS welcomes creation of new UN body for women

Geneva, 5 July, 2010 – The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) weIcomes the merging of four gender entities of the United Nations into UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. The new entity will provide a new powerful voice for women...

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Leaders call for strengthened response to the HIV epidemic in the Middle East and North Africa

Dubai, 29 June 2010 - At a high-level policy dialogue organized by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Bank, senior officials from government, donor agencies, development partners and civil society today launched a consensus statement calling for an accelerated regional...

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UNAIDS’ new vision for the AIDS response endorsed by governing board

GENEVA, 24 June 2010 – The UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board (PCB) endorsed UNAIDS’ new vision for the AIDS response during its 26th meeting, held in Geneva from 22 to 24 June. The new vision is “Zero new HIV infections. Zero discrimination. Zero AIDS-related deaths.”

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Launch of the Global Commission on HIV and the Law: “Addressing punitive laws and human rights violations blocking effective AIDS responses”

Geneva, 24 June 2010 – The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), with the support of the UNAIDS Secretariat, launched the Global Commission on HIV and the Law today. The Commission’s aim is to increase understanding of the impact of the legal environment on national HIV responses. Its aim is to...

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UNAIDS welcomes announcement of United States’ Global Health Initiative

GENEVA, 18 June 2010 –UNAIDS welcomes the announcement of the first round priorities for new Global Health Initiative (GHI) of the United States Government. This six-year US$ 63 billion initiative seeks to improve health outcomes and strengthen health systems to deliver comprehensive life saving health programmes including HIV services especially...

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UNAIDS welcomes international labour standard on HIV

Geneva, 17 June 2010 - A landmark labour standard was adopted by governments, employers and workers at the annual conference of the International Labour Organization (ILO). The standard aims to strengthen the global response to HIV in the workplace.

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UNAIDS launches ‘red card’ campaign against HIV

JOHANNESBURG, 12 June 2010 — A new campaign is using the power and outreach of football to unite the world around a common cause—preventing the transmission of HIV from mother to child. Launched today in South Africa by the UNAIDS Executive Director, Michel Sidibé, international musician Akon, UNAIDS Goodwill Ambassador...

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Dr Peter Piot to head London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

GENEVA, 31 May 2010 – UNAIDS congratulates Dr Peter Piot on his recent appointment as Director of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Britain’s national school of public health and a leading institution for research and postgraduate education in global health.

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UNAIDS and the Global Fund meet with Chair of the African Union

LILONGWE, Malawi, 25 May 2010—In a joint official visit to Malawi, the Executive Directors of UNAIDS and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria commended President Bingu wa Mutharika on Malawi’s progress in the AIDS response and his leadership as Chairperson of the African Union on AIDS, health...

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UNAIDS expresses serious concern over ruling in Malawi

GENEVA, 20 May 2010 – UNAIDS is greatly concerned about the guilty verdict handed down by a magistrate court in Malawi against Steven Monjeza and Tiwonge Chimbalanga.

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International HIV Vaccine Day

Geneva, 18 May 2010—In marking this International HIV Vaccine Day, it is clear that the best hope of ending the AIDS epidemic lies in a safe and highly effective HIV vaccine.

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UNAIDS welcomes the decision by the Global Fund’s Board to launch Round 10 in May

Geneva, 30 April 2010—UNAIDS commends the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Board’s decision to launch its next round of grants in mid-May of this year. This will allow countries to continue their momentum towards achieving the universal access targets. Particularly, during these difficult financial times, the launch...

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China lifts travel ban for people living with HIV

GENEVA/BEIJING, 27 April 2009 –UNAIDS applauds the decision by the Government of China to lift its national travel ban for people living with HIV. The news comes ahead of the opening of Shanghai Expo 2010, an international fair that is expected to attract millions of visitors over the next six...

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Internationally acclaimed entertainer Lebo M is appointed as UNAIDS Goodwill Ambassador

Geneva, 23 April 2010 – Grammy award-winning producer, composer and singer Lebohang Morake, known professionally as Lebo M, has been named as Goodwill Ambassador for the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). Known for the musical blockbuster, The Lion King, Lebo M will use his talent, outreach and deep...

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South Africa launches massive HIV prevention and treatment campaign

JOHNANNESBURG, 25 April 2010 – President Zuma today launched an ambitious campaign that could alter the face of the AIDS epidemic, in South Africa and globally. The campaign aims to test 15 million people for HIV by the year 2011, up from 2.5 million in 2009 – a six-fold increase...

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UNAIDS welcomes new data showing fewer women dying each year from pregnancy and childbirth

New York/Geneva, 14 April 2010 – UNAIDS welcomes a new report published in the medical journal The Lancet that found, for the first time in decades, a significant drop in the number of women dying each year from pregnancy and childbirth. Researchers estimate that maternal deaths fell from 526 300...

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Parliamentarians call for lifting travel restrictions for people living with HIV

BANGKOK, 28 March 2010 – Parliamentarians from all parts of world are calling upon governments to remove travel restrictions for people living with HIV. This call was made at the 122nd Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in Bangkok today.

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World TB Day 2010

GENEVA, 24 March 2010 – In this era of increasing access to antiretroviral therapy, it is unacceptable that tuberculosis remains among the commonest causes of illness and death in people living with HIV.

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UNAIDS welcomes appointment of new UNICEF Executive Director

Geneva, 17 March, 2010—The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) welcomes the appointment of Mr Anthony Lake as Executive Director of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

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International Women's Day

The theme of this year’s International Women’s Day (IWD) – which is observed worldwide on 8 March – is "Equal Rights, Equal Opportunities: Progress for All".

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International support needed to help Haiti rebuild its AIDS response

GENEVA, 26 February 2010 – UNAIDS calls for a coordinated approach in supporting Haiti, the country most affected by HIV in the Caribbean, to rebuild its AIDS response in the wake of the 12 January earthquake. Following an initial rapid assessment of the situation with the Ministry of Public Health...

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UNAIDS welcomes South Africa’s new US$ 1.1 billion investment on AIDS for 2010

GENEVA / JOHANNESBURG, 19 February 2010 – UNAIDS welcomes the increased investments by South Africa to the AIDS response. In his 2010 budget speech, Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan has proposed an allocation of US$ 1.1 billion, a 33% increase from 2009 levels. This is the biggest domestic investment made by...

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Countries urged to review progress made in achieving national AIDS targets

Gaborone/Geneva, 18 February 2010 – UNAIDS is calling for an international effort to renew commitment for countries to achieve universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support. Countries are urged to undertake an open and inclusive consultation process—bringing together governments, development partners, civil society organizations, networks of people living...

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UNAIDS commends commitment by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to advancing vaccine research and development

Geneva, 29 January 2010—UNAIDS strongly applauds today’s announcement by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to invest USD 10 billion into research and development of vaccines over the next 10 years.

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UNAIDS and Millennium Villages Project taking steps to eliminate mother-to-child HIV transmission in Africa

Nairobi, 11 January 2010 – Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of UNAIDS, and Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Earth Institute and Special Advisor to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, visited one of the Millennium Villages in Sauri (western Kenya) to witness first-hand the progress that has been made in fighting poverty...

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