Engaging the EU in the Global Partnership on Zero Discrimination Day

On Zero Discrimination Day, Ireland and UNAIDS strengthen their partnership to end the AIDS pandemic

The case for anti-discrimination legislation in Jamaica

“An HIV diagnosis should not be a guilty verdict—it’s just a diagnosis"

“My life’s mission is to end stigma and discrimination, and that starts with U = U”: a story of HIV activism in Thailand

Guyana’s transgender community calls for protection under anti-discrimination laws

Discriminatory and punitive laws alarmingly common

Many key populations avoid health services

Parental consent laws leave adolescents vulnerable to HIV

Jamaican parliamentarians committed to ending discrimination

Zero Discrimination Platform relaunched in Central African Republic

Launch of advocacy explainers on western Africa model drug law

UNAIDS strongly supports calls for the rejection of draft law targeting LGBTI people in Ghana

Costa Rica joins Global Partnership for Action to Eliminate all Forms of HIV-Related Stigma and Discrimination

Jamaica partnership works to promote human rights

Less than 40% of countries report having training programmes at the national level for law enforcement personnel on human rights and HIV

Navigating Lesotho’s legal system to address gender-based violence

First-ever Jamaica transgender strategy looks beyond health

Targeting sex workers is not the answer

Parental consent undermines the right to health of adolescents

Decriminalization works, but too few countries are taking the bold step

“We carry on”

United Republic of Tanzania lowers age of consent for HIV testing

Criminalization of same-sex sexual relationships decreasing

Mapping HIV laws and policies